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seata-go 1.2.0 Ready for Production Environment!!!

· 2 min read

Production-ready seata-go 1.2.0 is here!

Seata is an open source distributed transaction solution that provides high-performance and easy-to-use distributed transaction services.

Release overview

Seata-go version 1.2.0 supports the XA schema, a distributed transaction processing specification proposed by the X/Open organisation, which has the advantage of being non-intrusive to business code. Currently, Seata-go's XA mode supports MySQL databases. So far, seata-go has gathered three transaction modes: AT, TCC and XA. Main features of XA mode.


  • [#467] implements XA schema support for MySQL.
  • [#534] Load balancing for session support.


  • [#540] Fix a bug in initialising xa mode.
  • [#545] Fix a bug in getting db version number in xa mode.
  • [#548] Fix bug where starting xa fails.
  • [#556] Fix bug in xa datasource.
  • [#562] Fix bug with committing xa global transaction
  • [#564] Fix bug committing xa branching transactions
  • [#566] Fix bug with local transactions using xa data source.


  • [#523] Optimise CI process
  • [#525] rename jackson serialisation to json
  • [#532] Remove duplicate code
  • [#536] optimise go import code formatting
  • [#554] optimise xa mode performance
  • [#561] Optimise xa mode logging output


  • [#535] Add integration tests.


  • [#550] Added changelog for version 1.2.0.


Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.