Release Notes:
1.4.2 (2021-04-26)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.2
Seata 1.4.2 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#2933] add antlr for mysql sqlparser
- [#3228] support custom serialization plugin
- [#3172] support undo_loge compression mode in AT
- [#3372] Saga support customize whether update last retry log
- [#3411] support seata-server thread pool parameters configuration
- [#3348] support redis sentinel storage mode in TC
- [#2667] support password decryption when using db and redis storage mode
- [#3427] add distributed lock interface
- [#3443] support send the
log tologstash
- [#3486] add transaction service group for metric
- [#3317] support to obtain multiple configurations through a single node when using zookeeper as configuration center
- [#3516] support acl-token when consul is used registry and configuration center
- [#3116] support configuring apollo configService and cluster
- [#3468] saga support loop execution on state
- [#3447] support Transaction context printing in logging framework
- [#3258] fix AsyncWorker potential OOM problem
- [#3293] fix configuration cache get value type mismatch exception
- [#3241] forbidden use order by or limit in multi sql
- [#3406] fix the value can not be push to nacos when special charset in config.txt
- [#3418] fix getGeneratedKeys may get history pk
- [#3408] fix the NPE problem of jar running mode when the third-dependency on separate packaging
- [#3431] fix property bean may not be initialized when reading configuration
- [#3413] fix the logic of rollback to savepoint and release to savepoint
- [#3367] when the xa branch is rollback, it cannot be executed due to idle state
- [#3448] reduce unnecessary competition and remove missing locks
- [#3451] fix set auto-commit to true when local transactions are not being used. Failure to compete for a lock causes the global transaction to exit, invaliding the global row lock and dirty writing of the data.
- [#3481] fix seata node refresh failure because of consul client throws exceptions
- [#3491] fix typo in
- [#3531] fix the NPE of RedisTransactionStoreManager when get branch transactions
- [#3500] fix oracle and postgreSQL can't query column info
- [#3560] fix the problem that the asynchronous task of the transactions in the committing state has no time threshold and cannot recover the transaction
- [#3555] do not call setBlob to invalid the jdbc exception
- [#3540] fix server distribution missing files
- [#3597] fix the possible NPE
- [#3568] fix automatic datasource agent caused by ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent Deadlock problem
- [#3402] fix the problem that the updated column cannot be resolved because the field name in the updated SQL contains the database name
- [#3464] fix test case NPE and StackTraceLogger's log.
- [#3522] fix register branch and store undolog when AT branch does not need compete lock
- [#3635] fix pushing notification failed when the configuration changed in zookeeper
- [#3133] fix the case that could not retry acquire global lock
- [#3156] optimize the logic of SpringProxyUtils.findTargetClass
- [#3341] optimize the format of the path to the specified configuration file
- [#3385] optimize github action and fix unit test failure
- [#3175] improve UUIDGenerator using "history time" version of snowflake algorithm
- [#3291] mysql jdbc connect param
- [#3336] support using System.getProperty to get netty config property
- [#3369] add github action secrets env for dockerHub
- [#3343] Migrate CI provider from Travis CI to Github Actions
- [#3397] add the change records folder
- [#3303] supports reading all configurations from a single Nacos dataId
- [#3380] globalTransactionScanner listener optimize
- [#3123] optimize the packing strategy of seata-server
- [#3415] optimize maven clean plugin to clear the distribution directory
- [#3316] optimize the property bean may not be initialized while reading config value
- [#3420] optimize enumerated classes and add unit tests
- [#3533] added interface to get current transaction role
- [#3436] optimize typo in SQLType class
- [#3439] adjust the order of springApplicationContextProvider so that it can be called before the XML bean
- [#3248] optimize the config of load-balance migration to belong the client node
- [#3441] optimize the auto-configuration processing of starter
- [#3466] String comparison uses equalsIgnoreCase()
- [#3476] support when the server parameter passed is hostname, it will be automatically converted to IP
- [#3236] optimize the conditions for executing unlocking
- [#3485] optimize useless codes in ConfigurationFactory
- [#3505] optimize useless if judgments in the GlobalTransactionScanner class
- [#3544] optimize the get pks by auto when auto generated keys is false
- [#3549] unified the length of xid in different tables when using DB storage mode
- [#3551] make RETRY_DEAD_THRESHOLD bigger and configurable
- [#3589] Changed exception check by JUnit API usage
- [#3601] make
compatible withspring-boot:2.x
and above - [#3513] Saga SpringBeanService invoker support switch json parser
- [#3318] make CLIENT_TABLE_META_CHECKER_INTERVAL configurable
- [#3371] add applicationId for metric
- [#3459] remove duplicate validAddress code
- [#3215] opt the reload during startup in file mode
- [#3631] optimize parameter
- [#3638] optimize the error when use update or delete with join in sql
- [#3523] optimize release savepoint when use oracle
- [#3458] reversion the deleted md
- [#3574] repair Spelling errors in comments in files
- [#3573] fix designer directory path in
- [#3662] update gpg key
- [#3664] optimize some javadocs
- [#3637] register the participating companies and pull request information
- [#3381] test case for tmClient
- [#3607] fixed bugs in EventBus unit tests
- [#3579] add test case for StringFormatUtils
- [#3365] optimize ParameterParserTest test case failed
- [#3359] remove unused test case
- [#3578] fix UnfinishedStubbing Exception in unit test case
- [#3383] optimize StatementProxyTest unit test
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- caohdgege
- funky-eyes
- wangliang181230
- xingfudeshi
- jsbxyyx
- selfishlover
- l8189352
- Rubbernecker
- lj2018110133
- github-ganyu
- dmego
- spilledyear
- hoverruan
- anselleeyy
- Ifdevil
- lvxianzheng
- MentosL
- lian88jian
- litianyu1992
- xyz327
- 13414850431
- xuande
- tanggen
- eas5
- nature80
- ls9527
- drgnchan
- imyangyong
- sunlggggg
- long187
- h-zhi
- StellaiYang
- slinpq
- sustly
- cznc
- squallliu
- 81519434
- luoxn28
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
1.4.1 (2021-02-08)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.1
Seata 1.4.1 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#3238] add deflater support for seata compressor
- [#2879] fix deadlock during springboot project startup
- [#3296] when mixed use of AT and TCC, AT branchs is not deleted
- [#3254] clear the listener map of zk registry
- [#3309] Saga statemachine definition json cannot enable jackson parser, and when no choice matched in choice state will throw NPE
- [#3287] throw exception when update pk
- [#3323] clean root context when state machine inst record failed
- [#3281] fix wrong status when exception
- [#2949] fix throw NPE when get the state list
- [#3351] fix throw IllegalArgumentException when use hystrix when using SCA 2.2.3.RELEASE and below
- [#3349] the problem test case
- [#3325] fix retry commit unsuccess when record subMachineInst failed
- [#3357] fix deploy staging rule check failed
- [#3188] Local variable 'map' is redundant and check queue offer return value
- [#3247] change client.log.exceptionRate to log.exceptionRate
- [#3260] use PriorityQueue to simply ShutdownHook
- [#3319] delete unnecessary @Sharable
- [#3313] replace StringBuffer to StringBuilder
- [#3335] modify TransactionPropagationInterceptor name
- [#3310] enable NamedThreadFactory to get ThreadGroup from the SecurityManager or Current thread
- [#3320] load balance strategy use constants
- [#3345] adjust GlobalLockTemplateTest
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- dongzl
- wangliang181230
- ls9527
- long187
- 81519434
- anselleeyy
- funky-eyes
- selfishlover
- suichen
- h-zhi
- jxlgzwh
- LiWenGu
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
- Seata:
- Seata-Samples:
- Release:
- WebSite:
1.4.0 (2020-10-30)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.0
Seata 1.4.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#2380] support yml configuration
- [#3191] support jdbc type nclob
- [#2676] support least active load balance
- [#3198] spring boot support for custom config and registry type
- [#2806] support configuring default global transaction timeoutMillis
- [#2941] add apollo secret key configuration
- [#2080] support ConsistentHashLoadBalance
- [#2950] support the reentrant lock in redis module
- [#2913] The data source proxy mode can be selected as AT or XA
- [#2856] support for undoLog using Fst serialization
- [#3076] check lock in TC when use @GlobalLock
- [#2825] support send authentication msg
- [#2962] @GlobalTransactional and @GlobalLock can support customize lock retry config
[#3214] fix the 'RootContext.DEFAULT_BRANCH_TYPE' is wrong in some cases
[#3129] forbidding execute SQL which update pk value
[#3205] fix can not get boolean value in configuration
[#3170] the disposables tree set won't accept another Disposable with the same priority
[#3180] serializer fst package name error
[#3178] remove next line to space
[#2929] fix the application was configured to degrade at startup and can't be dynamically switch to upgraded
[#3050] fix fetch before images when delete and update statements
[#2935] fix saga designer bug that the property box does not switch when switching nodes
[#3140] fix Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW and add some comments
[#3130] fix some problems in the automatic data source proxy
[#3148] the redis lock key and the session key has conflict
[#3136] fix the redis pipeline
[#2551] Saga can't be used when the dataSource is AT's dataSourceProxy
[#3073] do not proxy connections without an xid
[#3074] There is no need to retry if the XA schema cannot find the XID
[#3097] fix HttpAutoConfiguration always instantiation in springboot env
[#3071] part of the connection is not unpacked
[#3056] fixed a bug that after branch deletion, there are still remaining branch lock
[#3025] fix the wrong package path
[#3031] redis locker delete lock incomplete
[#2973] fix oracle database in field size over 1000
[#2986] fix checkstyle plugin can't exclude single file
[#2910] fix error registry type comment
[#2914] fix branchType not cleaned when consumer is in TCC mode
[#2926] fastjson write undo log not parser
[#2897] fix jedis unlock fail
[#2918] fix the isolation problem when rollback in AT mode
[#2972] UUIDGenerator generates duplicated id
[#2932] script could not run with namespace
[#2900] ColumnUtils add escape with scheme
[#2904] fix getConfig cache value is 'null'
[#2890] fix misspelling in statelang examples
[#3040] fix repeated commit when autocommit is false
[#3230] fix use @EnableAutoDataSourceProxy startup failed
[#2979] columns of resultset integrated with sharingjdbc need to be lowercase
[#3233] fix Collections NPE
[#3242] fix batch sql getTableMeta error
[#3246] fix the exception when limit condition contains VariantRefExpr
[#3062] refactor the redis session store
[#3201] optimize the wrong stack not fully display
[#3117] make log more clearly and remove the useless code
[#3134] optimize codes related to Map and List
[#3195] optimize XID related codes
[#3200] optimize rpc message when message was substring
[#3186] remove duplicated in string utils
[#3162] remove repeated conditional tests
[#2969] upgrade to druid 1.1.23
[#3141] upgrade nacos and FastJSON dependencies
[#3118] add more configuration tips in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
[#2597] judging xid status to avoid repeated processing
[#3102] optimize ContextCore, can be set 'Object' value
[#3016] refactor the redis lock string to hash
[#3046] remove unused code in serializer factory
[#3053] jedis pool adds maxtotal configuration
[#3012] remove set port repeatedly
[#2978] optimize globalCommit for mixed use of AT and TCC
[#2967] replace with lambda
[#2968] ensure that the register message is sent after RM client initialization
[#2945] optimize async commit and reduce one update
[#2952] optimize additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
[#2920] optimize some grammatical errors
[#2906] added some configuration items to keep consistent with official documents
[#3222] optimize fileListener to decrease cpu time usage
[#2843] removed Reloadable from the redis/db SessionManager
[#3209] add using company logos
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- wangliang181230
- funky-eyes
- jsbxyyx
- l81893521
- lightClouds917
- caohdgege
- yujianfei1986
- ph3636
- PeineLiang
- heyaping388
- guang384
- zdrjson
- ITAlexSun
- dongzl
- 81519434
- wangwei-yin
- jujinghao
- JRial95
- mxszs1
- RayneHwang
- everyhook1
- li469791221
- luorenjin
- yangxb2010000
- selfishlover
- yyjgit66
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
- Seata:
- Seata-Samples:
- Release:
- WebSite: