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Configuring Seata Distributed Transaction with Nacos as the Configuration Center

· 6 min read

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This article was written by FUNKYE (Chen Jianbin), the main programme of an Internet company in Hangzhou.


The last release of the direct connection method of seata configuration, you can see the details of this blog

We then go on the basis of the previous article to configure nacos to do configuration centre and dubbo registry.


  1. First of all, go to the nacos github to download the latest version


  1. after the download, very simple, unzip to the bin directory to start on it, see as shown in the picture on it:


  1. start finished visit:


Did you see this interface? Enter nacos (account password is the same), go in and take a look.

At this time you can find that there is no service registration

! 20191202204147

Don't worry, let's get the seata service connected.

Seata configuration

  1. Go to seata's conf folder and see this ?

See this folder?

That's it, edit it: !

! 20191202204353

! 20191202204437

  1. Then remember to save it! Next we open the registry.conf file to edit it:
registry {
# file 、nacos 、eureka、redis、zk、consul、etcd3、sofa
type = "nacos"

nacos {
serverAddr = "localhost"
namespace = ""
cluster = "default"
eureka {
serviceUrl = "http://localhost:8761/eureka"
application = "default"
weight = "1"
redis {
serverAddr = "localhost:6379"
db = "0"
zk {
cluster = "default"
serverAddr = ""
session.timeout = 6000
connect.timeout = 2000
consul {
cluster = "default"
serverAddr = ""
etcd3 {
cluster = "default"
serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"
sofa {
serverAddr = ""
application = "default"
region = "DEFAULT_ZONE"
datacenter = "DefaultDataCenter"
cluster = "default"
group = "SEATA_GROUP"
addressWaitTime = "3000"
file {
name = "file.conf"

config {
# file、nacos 、apollo、zk、consul、etcd3
type = "nacos"

nacos {
serverAddr = "localhost"
namespace = ""
consul {
serverAddr = ""
apollo { = "seata-server"
apollo.meta = ""
zk {
serverAddr = ""
session.timeout = 6000
connect.timeout = 2000
etcd3 {
serverAddr = "http://localhost:2379"
file {
name = "file.conf"

After all the editing, we run, and the content of our configured nacos-config.txt is sent to nacos as shown in the figure:

! 20191202205743

The appearance of the above similar code is an indication of success, then we log in to the nacos configuration centre to view the configuration list, the appearance of the list as shown in the figure shows that the configuration is successful:

! 20191202205912

see it, your configuration has all been committed, if then git tool run sh does not work, try to edit the sh file, try to change the operation to the following

for line in $(cat nacos-config.txt)


echo "\r\n set "${key}" = "${value}

result=`curl -X POST "$key&group=SEATA_GROUP&content=$value"`

if [ "$result"x == "true"x ]; then

echo "\033[42;37m $result \033[0m"


echo "\033[41;37 $result \033[0m"
let error++



if [ $error -eq 0 ]; then

echo "\r\n\033[42;37m init nacos config finished, please start seata-server. \033[0m"


echo "\r\n\033[41;33m init nacos config fail. \033[0m"

  1. At present, our preparations are all complete, we go to seata-service/bin to run the seata service it, as shown in the figure on the success!

! 20191202210112


  1. first springboot-dubbo-mybatsiplus-seata project pom dependency changes, remove zk these configurations, because we use nacos to do the registry.
<!-- <dependency> <groupId>javax</groupId> <artifactId>javaee-api</artifactId>
<version>7.0</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> -->

<!-- mybatis-plus begin -->
<!-- mybatis-plus end -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.baomidou</groupId> <artifactId>dynamic-datasource-spring-boot-starter</artifactId>
<version>2.5.4</version> </dependency> -->

<!-- <dependency> <groupId>com.baomidou</groupId> <artifactId>mybatis-plus-generator</artifactId>
<version>3.1.0</version> </dependency> -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- 加上这个才能辨认到log4j2.yml文件 -->
<dependency> <!-- 引入log4j2依赖 -->
<!-- -->
<!-- <dependency> <groupId>org.scala-lang</groupId> <artifactId>scala-library</artifactId>
<version>2.11.0</version> </dependency> -->

  1. Then change the directory structure of test-service, delete the configuration of zk and change the application.yml file, directory structure and code.
port: 38888
name: test-service
url: jdbc:mysql://
driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
username: root
password: 123456
loadbalance: leastactive
threadpool: cached
base-packages: org。test.service
qos-enable: false
name: testserver
id: my-registry
address: nacos://
mapper-locations: classpath:/mapper/*Mapper.xml
typeAliasesPackage: org.test.entity
field-strategy: not-empty
id-type: auto
db-type: mysql
map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
cache-enabled: true
auto-mapping-unknown-column-behavior: none

3.then change the registry.conf file, if your nacos is another server, please change it to the corresponding ip and port.

 registry {
type = "nacos"
file { name = "file.conf
name = "file.conf"
zk {
cluster = "default"
serverAddr = ""
session.timeout = 6000
connect.timeout = 2000
nacos {
serverAddr = "localhost"
namespace = ""
cluster = "default"
config {
type = "nacos"
file { name = "file.conf
name = "file.conf"
zk {
serverAddr = ""
session.timeout = 6000
connect.timeout = 2000
nacos {
serverAddr = "localhost"
namespace = ""
cluster = "default"
  1. Next, we run provideApplication

! 20191202212000

The startup is successful, and we look at the seata logs: !

[20191202212028 20191202212028

Success, this time we are the same, to modify the contents of the test-client, first of all the same application.yml, zk replaced by nacos, here will not describe in detail, the test-service within the registry.conf, copy to the client project resources to cover the original registry.conf.

Then we can run clientApplication: !

! 20191202212114

  1. Confirm that the service has been published and test that the transaction is running correctly

! 20191202212203

The service is successfully published and consumed. Now let's go back to swagger and test the rollback to see if everything is ok, visit

! 20191202212240

Congratulations, see this must be as successful as me!


About the use of nacos and seata simple build has been completed, more detailed content hope you visit the following address to read the detailed documentation

nacos official website

dubbo official website

seata official website