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Release Notes:

2.0.0 (2023-11-24)

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Release notes

Seata 2.0.0

Seata 2.0.0 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#5165] optimize TCC structure, supporting API access. add integration layer module(seata-integration-tx-api) for transaction process definition and proxy enhancement.
  • [#5352] add jackson json parser and gson json parser for tcc business action context
  • [#5377] make AbstractHttpExecutor.class support http put
  • [#5396] TC log appender metric
  • [#5118] support two-stage concurrent notification execution
  • [#5529] docker image supports JVM parameter injection
  • [#3887] add SQL Server database support in AT mode
  • [#4033] add SQLServer support for Server DB storage mode
  • [#5600] feature: support trace the transaction link according to the XID
  • [#5357] feature: console integration saga-statemachine-designer
  • [#5717] compatible with file.conf and registry.conf configurations in version 1.4.2 and below
  • [#5842] adding metainfo to docker image
  • [#5902] support IPv6
  • [#5907] support polardb-x 2.0 in AT mode
  • [#5932] support Dameng database
  • [#5946] add sqlserver's adaptation to the console paging interface
  • [#5226] support raft cluster and store mode


  • [#5677] fix saga mode serviceTask inputParams json autoType convert exception
  • [#5277] fix server console has queried the released lock
  • [#5282] parallel request handle throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [#5294] fix auto-increment of pk columns in PostgreSQL/Oracle in AT mode
  • [#5298] don't remove GlobalSession when retry rollback or retry commit timeout
  • [#5304] remove RollbackRetryTimeout sessions during in file storage recover
  • [#5310] fix that keywords don't add escaped characters
  • [#5318] fix G1 jvm parameter in jdk8
  • [#5330] fix bugs found in unit tests
  • [#5337] fix bugs found in feature#5165 about sorting problem of multiple interceptor under the spring used environment, by the way fix the BeforeTransaction(AfterTransaction) transaction ordering problem when the order is consistent
  • [#5347] Fix console print unauthorized error
  • [#5355] fix bug when customizing context-path
  • [#5362] fix When the rollback logic on the TC side returns RollbackFailed, the custom FailureHandler is not executed
  • [#5373] fix transaction timeout on client side not execute hook and failureHandler
  • [#5395] check if table meta cache should be refreshed in AT mode
  • [#5426] fix the GlobalTransactional annotation npe issue.
  • [#5464] fix global session is always begin in saga mode
  • [#5478] fix finished transaction swallows exception when committing
  • [#5490] fix method name not print in logs
  • [#5449] fix Oracle XA transaction reentrant issues
  • [#5462] fix if using @GlobalTransactional in RM, ShouldNeverHappenException will be thrown
  • [#5498] bugfix: fix the full table scan issue with 'setDate' condition in Oracle 10g
  • [#5531] fix the log file path was loaded incorrectly
  • [#5523] fix GlobalStatus=9 can't be cleared in DB storage mode
  • [#5558] fix mariadb rollback failed
  • [#5556] fix oracle insert undolog failed
  • [#5579] fix RM_CHANNELS get npe when resourceId is empty
  • [#5577] fix grpc interceptor xid unbinding problem
  • [#5594] fix log in participant transaction role
  • [#5604] fix the asyncCommit and queueToRetryCommit always failed in db mode
  • [#5658] bugfix: fix escaped characters for upper and lower case column names
  • [#5661] bugfix: the timeout is null when the connectionProxyXA connection is reused
  • [#5679] bugfix: fix compatibility between xxx.grouplist and configuration items
  • [#5715] fix get configuration item contains underlined error
  • [#5748] case of the pk col-name in the business sql is inconsistent with the case in the table metadata, resulting in a rollback failure
  • [#5745] fix the problem that the parameter prefix requirement of the setAttachment method in sofa-rpc is not met
  • [#5772] change some fields type of TableMetaCache to avoid integer overflow
  • [#5787] Solution cluster cannot be customized when redis serves as the registry
  • [#5810] fix XA transaction start exception and rollback failure caused by druid dependency conflict
  • [#5821] fix insert executor keywords unescape
  • [#5835] bugfix: fix TC retry rollback wrongly, after the XA transaction fail and rollback
  • [#5881] fix delete branch table unlock failed
  • [#5930] fix the issue of missing sentinel password in store redis mode
  • [#5958] required to be unlocked when a re-election occurs in a commit state
  • [#5971] fix some configurations that are not deprecated show "Deprecated"
  • [#5977] fix that rpcserver is not closed when raftServer is closed
  • [#5954] fix the issue of saved branch session status does not match the actual branch session status
  • [#5990] fix the issue that the Lua script is not synchronized when the redis sentinel master node is down
  • [#5997] fix global transaction hook repeat execute
  • [#6018] fix incorrect metric report
  • [#6024] fix the white screen after click the "View Global Lock" button on the transaction info page in the console
  • [#6015] fix can't integrate dubbo with spring
  • [#6049] fix registry type for raft under the network interruption did not carry out the sleep 1s
  • [#6050] change RaftServer#destroy to wait all shutdown procedures
  • [#6033] fix the isReference judgment logic in HSFRemotingParser, remove unnecessary judgment about FactoryBean


  • [#5966] decouple saga expression handling and remove evaluator package
  • [#5928] add Saga statelang semantic validation
  • [#4858] reorganize the usage of task session manager
  • [#4881] reorganize the usage of Sessionmanager and listener
  • [#5273] Optimize the compilation configuration of the protobuf-maven-plugin plug-in to solve the problem of too long command lines in higher versions.
  • [#5278] clean multi-sessionmanager-instance pattern
  • [#5302] remove startup script the -Xmn configuration
  • [#4880] optimize logs when commit/rollback catch an exception
  • [#5322] optimize the log of SPI
  • [#5326] add time info for global transaction timeout log
  • [#5328] add corresponding lua implementation for Redis mode of global transaction and transaction storage
  • [#5341] optimize gRPC Interceptor for TCC mode
  • [#5342] optimize the check of the delay value of the TCC fence log clean task
  • [#5344] add store mode,config type and registry type log info
  • [#5351] optimize RPC filter for TCC mode
  • [#5354] reconstruct the RPC integration module
  • [#5370] optimize transaction fail handler
  • [#5431] optimize github workflow
  • [#5461] optimize license workflow
  • [#5456] refactor ColumnUtils and EscapeHandler
  • [#5438] optimize code style properties
  • [#5471] optimize transaction log on client side
  • [#5485] optimize server log output
  • [#4907] optimize thread scheduling and code
  • [#5487] mark the lockholder of branchsession as final
  • [#5519] optimize FenceHandler for oracle
  • [#5501] support updating transaction state with optimistic locking
  • [#5419] optimize images based on java 8/17 and support maven-3.9.0
  • [#5549] update expire gpg key and publish workflow
  • [#5576] The common fence clean task is only initiated when useTCCFence is set to true
  • [#5623] optimize possible conflict between asyncCommitting thread and retryCommitting thread
  • [#5553] support case-sensitive attributes for table and column metadata
  • [#5563] optimize: optimize channel availability thread log output
  • [#5644] optimize server logs print
  • [#5680] optimize escape character for case of columnNames
  • [#5686] optimize: optimize license check actions
  • [#5714] optimize distributed lock log
  • [#5723] optimize docker default timezone
  • [#5779] remove unnecessary log outputs and unify the log output path.
  • [#5802] set server's transaction level to READ_COMMITTED
  • [#5783] support the nacos application name property
  • [#5524] support for more operational commands in
  • [#5836] separate MySQL from Mariadb implementations
  • [#5869] some minor syntax optimization
  • [#5885] optimize log in ConnectionProxyXA
  • [#5894] remove dependency without license
  • [#5895] remove 7z format compression support
  • [#5896] remove mariadb.jdbc dependency
  • [#5384] unified project version
  • [#5419] publish images based on java 8/17 and support maven-3.9.0
  • [#5829] fix codecov chart not display
  • [#5878] optimize httpcore and httpclient dependencies
  • [#5917] upgrade native-lib-loader version
  • [#5926] optimize some scripts related to Apollo
  • [#5938] support jmx port in seata
  • [#5944] optimize: fix build action warning
  • [#5951] remove un support config in jdk17
  • [#5959] modify code style and remove unused import
  • [#6002] remove fst serialization
  • [#6045] optimize derivative product check base on mysql


  • [#5642] add Hessian Serializer WhiteDenyList
  • [#5694] fix several node.js security vulnerabilities
  • [#5801] fix some dependencies vulnerability
  • [#5805] fix some serializer vulnerabilities
  • [#5868] fix npm package vulnerabilities
  • [#5916] upgrade nodejs dependency
  • [#5942] upgrade dependencies version
  • [#5987] upgrade some dependencies version
  • [#6013] upgrade seata-server spring version


  • [#5308] add unit test [FileLoader, ObjectHolder, StringUtils]
  • [#5309] add unit test [ArrayUtils, ConfigTools, MapUtil]
  • [#5335] add unit test [EnhancedServiceLoader,ExtensionDefinition,SizeUtilTest,ReflectionUtil,LowerCaseLinkHashMap,FileLoader,ObjectHolder]
  • [#5367] fix UpdateExecutorTest failed
  • [#5383] fix multi spring version test failed
  • [#5391] add unit test for config module
  • [#5428] fix FileTransactionStoreManagerTest failed
  • [#5622] add unit test [ExporterType, RegistryType]
  • [#5637] add unit test [BatchResultMessage, HeartbeatMessage, RegisterRMResponse, ResultCode, RegisterTMResponse, MergeResultMessage, MergedWarpMessage, Version]
  • [#5893] remove sofa test cases
  • [#5845] upgrade druid and add test-druid.yml
  • [#5863] fix unit test in java 21
  • [#5986] fix zookeeper UT failed
  • [#5995] add test cases for RaftClusterMetadataMsg
  • [#6001] add test cases for RaftMsgExecute under branch package
  • [#5996] add test cases for RaftMsgExecute under global package
  • [#6003] add test cases for RaftMsgExecute under lock package
  • [#6005] fix saga async tests undefined behavior
  • [#6009] add test cases for RaftServerFactory
  • [#6052] upgrade springboot and spring version for server for test


Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.8.0 (2023-11-05)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.8.0

Seata 1.8.0 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#3672] support Dameng database
  • [#5892] support PolarDB-X 2.0 database


  • [#5833] bugfix: fix TC retry rollback wrongly, after the XA transaction fail and rollback
  • [#5884] fix dm escaped characters for upper and lower case column names
  • [#5931] fix the issue of missing sentinel password in store redis mode
  • [#5970] fix some configurations that are not deprecated show "Deprecated"


  • [#5866] some minor syntax optimization
  • [#5889] remove dependency without license
  • [#5890] remove 7z format compression support
  • [#5891] remove mariadb.jdbc dependency
  • [#5828] fix codecov chart not display
  • [#5927] optimize some scripts related to Apollo
  • [#5918] standardized the properties of codecov.yml
  • [#5939] support jmx port in seata


  • [#5867] fix npm package vulnerabilities
  • [#5898] fix npm package vulnerabilities


  • [#5888] remove sofa test cases
  • [#5831] upgrade druid and add test-druid.yml
  • [#5862] fix unit test in java 21
  • [#5914] upgrade native-lib-loader version
  • [#5960] fix zookeeper UT failed
  • [#5981] fixed jedis version for seata-server

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.7.1 (2023-09-05)

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Release notes

Seata 1.7.1

Seata 1.7.1 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#5803] docker image supports JVM parameter injection


  • [#5749] case of the pk col-name in the business sql is inconsistent with the case in the table metadata, resulting in a rollback failure
  • [#5762] change some fields type of TableMetaCache to avoid integer overflow
  • [#5769] fix the problem that the parameter prefix requirement of the setAttachment method in sofa-rpc is not met
  • [#5814] fix XA transaction start exception and rollback failure
  • [#5771] insert executor keywords unescape
  • [#5819] fix oracle column alias cannot find


  • [#5804] optimize docker default timezone
  • [#5815] support the nacos application name property
  • [#5820] unified log output directory
  • [#5822] upgrade some deprecated github actions


  • [#5728] fix some dependencies vulnerability
  • [#5766] fix some serializer vulnerabilities

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.7.0 (2023-07-11)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.7.0

Seata 1.7.0 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#5476] first support native-image for seata-client
  • [#5495] console integration saga-statemachine-designer
  • [#5668] compatible with file.conf and registry.conf configurations in version 1.4.2 and below


  • [#5682] fix saga mode replay context lost startParams
  • [#5671] fix saga mode serviceTask inputParams json autoType convert exception
  • [#5194] fix wrong keyword order for oracle when creating a table
  • [#5021] fix JDK Reflection for Spring origin proxy failed in JDK17
  • [#5023] fix seata-core dependency transitive conflict in seata-dubbo
  • [#5224] fix oracle initialize script index_name is duplicate
  • [#5233] fix the inconsistent configuration item names related to LoadBalance
  • [#5266] fix server console has queried the released lock
  • [#5245] fix the incomplete dependency of distribution module
  • [#5239] fix getConfig throw ClassCastException when use JDK proxy
  • [#5281] parallel request handle throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
  • [#5288] fix auto-increment of pk columns in Oracle in AT mode
  • [#5287] fix auto-increment of pk columns in PostgreSQL in AT mode
  • [#5299] fix GlobalSession deletion when retry rollback or retry commit timeout
  • [#5307] fix that keywords don't add escaped characters
  • [#5311] remove RollbackRetryTimeout sessions during in file storage recover
  • [#4734] check if table meta cache should be refreshed in AT mode
  • [#5316] fix G1 jvm parameter in jdk8
  • [#5321] fix When the rollback logic on the TC side returns RollbackFailed, the custom FailureHandler is not executed
  • [#5332] fix bugs found in unit tests
  • [#5145] fix global session is always begin in saga mode
  • [#5413] fix bad service configuration file and compilation failure
  • [#5415] fix transaction timeout on client side not execute hook and failureHandler
  • [#5447] fix oracle xa mode cannnot be used By same database
  • [#5472] fix if using @GlobalTransactional in RM, ShouldNeverHappenException will be thrown
  • [#5535] fix the log file path was loaded incorrectly
  • [#5538] fix finished transaction swallows exception when committing
  • [#5539] fix the full table scan issue with 'setDate' condition in Oracle 10g
  • [#5540] fix GlobalStatus=9 can't be cleared in DB storage mode
  • [#5552] fix mariadb rollback failed
  • [#5583] fix grpc interceptor xid unbinding problem
  • [#5602] fix log in participant transaction role
  • [#5645] fix oracle insert undolog failed
  • [#5659] fix the issue of case sensitivity enforcement on the database after adding escape characters to keywords
  • [#5663] fix the timeout is null when the connectionProxyXA connection is reused
  • [#5675] fix compatibility between xxx.grouplist and configuration items
  • [#5690] fix console print unauthorized error
  • [#5711] fix get configuration item contains underlined error


  • [#5208] optimize throwable getCause once more
  • [#5212] optimize log message level
  • [#5237] optimize exception log message print(EnhancedServiceLoader.loadFile#cahtch)
  • [#5089] optimize the check of the delay value of the TCC fence log clean task
  • [#5243] optimize kryo 5.4.0 optimize compatibility with jdk17
  • [#5153] Only AT mode try to get channel with other app
  • [#5177] If server.session.enable-branch-async-remove is true, delete the branch asynchronously and unlock it synchronously.
  • [#5273] optimize the compilation configuration of the protobuf-maven-plugin plug-in to solve the problem of too long command lines in higher versions.
  • [#5303] remove startup script the -Xmn configuration
  • [#5325] add store mode,config type and registry type log info
  • [#5315] optimize the log of SPI
  • [#5323] add time info for global transaction timeout log
  • [#5414] optimize transaction fail handler
  • [#5537] optimize transaction log on client side
  • [#5541] optimize server log output
  • [#5548] update expire gpg key and publish workflow
  • [#5638] optimize: set server's transaction level to READ_COMMITTED
  • [#5646] refactor ColumnUtils and EscapeHandler
  • [#5648] optimize server logs print
  • [#5647] support case-sensitive attributes for table and column metadata
  • [#5678] optimize escape character for case of columnNames
  • [#5684] optimize github actions for CodeQL, skywalking-eyes and checkout
  • [#5700] optimize distributed lock log


  • [#5172] fix some security vulnerabilities
  • [#5683] add Hessian Serializer WhiteDenyList
  • [#5696] fix several node.js security vulnerabilities


  • [#5380] fix UpdateExecutorTest failed
  • [#5382] fix multi spring version test failed

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.6.1 (2022-12-21)

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Release notes

Seata 1.6.1

Seata 1.6.1 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#5115] support for spring-boot:3.x


  • [#5179] fix ClassNotFoundException when server starts using Eureka


  • [#5120] unify the format of configuration items in yml files
  • [#5180] GlobalTransactionScanner,SeataAutoDataSourceProxyCreator declare @bean methods as static
  • [#5182] fix some security vulnerabilities in GGEditor
  • [#5183] optimize the default values for some switches

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.6.0 (2022-12-17)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.6.0

Seata 1.6.0 Released

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#4863] support oracle and postgresql multi primary key
  • [#4649] seata-server support multiple registry
  • [#4779] support Apache Dubbo3
  • [#4479] TCC mode supports tcc annotation marked on both interface and implementation class
  • [#4877] seata client support jdk17
  • [#4914] support mysql update join sql
  • [#4542] support oracle timestamp types
  • [#5111] support Nacos contextPath
  • [#4802] dockerfile support arm64


  • [#4780] fix can't post TimeoutRollbacked event after a successful timeout rollback
  • [#4954] fix output expression incorrectly throws npe
  • [#4817] fix in high version springboot property not Standard
  • [#4838] fix when use Statement.executeBatch() can not generate undo log
  • [#4533] fix rollback event repeated and some event status not correct
  • [#4912] fix mysql InsertOnDuplicateUpdate column case is different and cannot be matched
  • [#4543] fix support Oracle nclob types
  • [#4915] fix failed to get server recovery properties
  • [#4919] fix XID port and address null:0 before coordinator.init
  • [#4928] fix rpcContext.getClientRMHolderMap NPE
  • [#4953] fix InsertOnDuplicateUpdate bypass modify pk
  • [#4978] fix kryo support circular reference
  • [#4874] fix startup failure by using OpenJDK 11
  • [#5018] fix loader path in startup scripts
  • [#5004] fix duplicate image row for update join
  • [#5032] fix mysql InsertOnDuplicateUpdate sql query error caused by placeholder index calculation error
  • [#5033] fix null exception when sql columns is empty for insert on duplicate
  • [#5038] remove @EnableConfigurationProperties({SagaAsyncThreadPoolProperties.class})
  • [#5050] fix global session is not change to Committed in saga mode
  • [#5052] fix update join condition placeholder param error
  • [#5031] fix mysql InsertOnDuplicateUpdate should not use null index value as image sql query condition
  • [#5075] fix InsertOnDuplicateUpdateExecutor could not intercept the sql which has no primary and unique key
  • [#5093] fix access key loss after seata server restart
  • [#5092] fix when seata and jpa are used together, their AutoConfiguration order is incorrect
  • [#5109] fix NPE caused when there is no @GlobalTransactional annotation on the RM side
  • [#5098] Druid disable oracle implicit cache
  • [#4860] fix metrics tags coverage in the seata-server side
  • [#5028] fix insert value null parsed as string in insert on duplicate SQL
  • [#5078] fix could not intercept the sql witch has no primary and unique key
  • [#5097] fix access key loss after server restart
  • [#5131] fix rollback xa connection active state
  • [#5134] fix hikari datasource auto proxy fail
  • [#5163] fix bad service configuration file and compilation failure


  • [#4774] optimize mysql8 dependencies for seataio/seata-server image
  • [#4790] Add a github action to publish Seata to OSSRH
  • [#4765] mysql 8.0.29 not should be hold for connection
  • [#4750] optimize unBranchLock romove xid
  • [#4797] optimize the github actions
  • [#4800] Add NOTICE as Apache License V2
  • [#4681] optimize the check lock during global transaction
  • [#4761] use hget replace hmget because only one field
  • [#4414] exclude log4j dependencies
  • [#4836] optimize BaseTransactionalExecutor#buildLockKey(TableRecords rowsIncludingPK) method more readable
  • [#4865] fix some security vulnerabilities in GGEditor
  • [#4590] auto degrade enable to dynamic configure
  • [#4490] tccfence log table delete by index
  • [#4911] add license checker workflow
  • [#4917] upgrade package-lock.json fix vulnerabilities
  • [#4924] optimize pom dependencies
  • [#4932] extract the default values for some properties
  • [#4925] optimize java doc warning
  • [#4921] fix some vulnerabilities in console and upgrade skywalking-eyes
  • [#4936] optimize read of storage configuration
  • [#4946] pass the sqlexception to client when get lock
  • [#4962] optimize build and fix the base image
  • [#4974] optimize cancel the limit on the number of globalStatus queries in Redis mode
  • [#4981] optimize tcc fence record not exists errMessage
  • [#4985] fix undo_log id repeat
  • [#4995] fix mysql InsertOnDuplicateUpdate duplicate pk condition in after image query sql
  • [#5047] remove useless code
  • [#5051] undo log dirty throw BranchRollbackFailed_Unretriable
  • [#5075] intercept the InsertOnDuplicateUpdate statement which has no primary key and unique index value
  • [#5104] remove the druid dependency in ConnectionProxy
  • [#5124] support oracle on delete tccfence logs
  • [#4468] support kryo 5.3.0
  • [#4807] optimize docker image and oss publish
  • [#4445] optimize transaction timeout judgment
  • [#4958] do not execute triggerAfterCommit() if timeout
  • [#4582] redis mode support sorted set by timeout
  • [#4963] add ARM64 CI workflow
  • [#4434] remove seata-server's CMS parameters


  • [#4411] add UT for oracle in AT mode
  • [#4794] try to fix the test DataSourceProxyTest.getResourceIdTest()
  • [#5101] fix ClassNotFoundException during the zk unit test

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.5.2 (2022-07-12)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.5.2

Seata 1.5.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#4661] support xid load balance
  • [#4676] support server to expose Nacos services by mounting SLB
  • [#4642] support batch message parallel processing
  • [#4567] support where method condition(find_in_set)


  • [#4515] fix the error of SeataTCCFenceAutoConfiguration when database unused
  • [#4661] fix sql exception with PostgreSQL in module console
  • [#4667] fix the exception in RedisTransactionStoreManager for update map During iteration
  • [#4678] fix the error of key transport.enableRmClientBatchSendRequest cache penetration if not configure
  • [#4701] fix missing command line args
  • [#4607] fix bug on skipping lock check
  • [#4696] fix oracle database insert value
  • [#4726] fix batch message send may return NullPointException
  • [#4729] fix set AspectTransactional.rollbackForClassName with wrong value
  • [#4653] fix the sql exception when pk is non-numeric in INSERT_ON_DUPLICATE SQL


  • [#4650] fix some security vulnerabilities
  • [#4670] optimize the thread pool size of branchResultMessageExecutor
  • [#4662] optimize rollback transaction metrics
  • [#4693] optimize the console navigation bar
  • [#4700] fix maven-compiler-plugin and maven-resources-plugin execute failed
  • [#4711] separate lib dependencies for deployments
  • [#4720] optimize pom description
  • [#4728] upgrade logback dependency to 1.2.9
  • [#4745] support mysql8 in release package
  • [#4626] Replace flatten-maven-plugin with easyj-maven-plugin to fix the conflict between shade and flatten
  • [#4629] check relation of before status and after status when updating global session
  • [#4662] make EnhancedServiceLoader more readable


  • [#4544] optimize jackson dependencies in TransactionContextFilterTest
  • [#4731] fix UT failed in AsyncWorkerTest and LockManagerTest

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.5.1 (2021-05-17)

source | binary

Release notes


  • [#4115 ] support console management
  • [#3472 ] add redisLocker's lua mode
  • [#3575 ] support the mixed use of different storages of locks and sessions
  • [#3374 ] add a Executor for INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE
  • [#3642 ] provide an api to share tcc phase-1's params to phase-2
  • [#3064 ] support configuring the order of the TM and TCC interceptor
  • [#2852 ] support configuring scan target for GlobalTransactionScanner
  • [#3683 ] support redis distributed lock to prevent multi TC competition
  • [#3545 ] TCC mode support idempotent and anti hanging
  • [#3009 ] support server start with springboot and config with application.yaml
  • [#3652 ] support APM with SkyWalking
  • [#3823 ] TCC mode supports customized parameters list of the method in phase two
  • [#3642 ] TCC mode's try method supports passing BusinessActionContext implicitly
  • [#3856 ] support edas-hsf RPC framework
  • [#3880 ] contributing md support chinese.
  • [#2568 ] support GlobalTransactionInterceptor expression
  • [#3886 ] support the registry center network preferences
  • [#3869 ] support get configuration from environment
  • [#3906 ] support SPI unload
  • [#3668 ] support kotlin coroutine
  • [#3968 ] support brpc-java RPC framework
  • [#4134 ] init the console basic code
  • [#4268 ] query global session in the file mode
  • [#4281 ] query global session and global lock in the redis mode
  • [#4293 ] get global lock in the file mode
  • [#4335 ] Realize configuration center upload configuration interactive script (nacos,etcd3)
  • [#4360 ] Realize configuration center upload configuration interactive script (apollo,consul,zk)
  • [#4320 ] realize the interface of console: get global session and global lock in the db mode
  • [#4435 ] console front-end page implementation
  • [#4480 ] implementation of DefaultAuthSigner
  • [#3870 ] make seata-bom be the real Bill-Of-Material
  • [#3487 ] add db realization for distribute lock
  • [#3889 ] registry add heartbeat
  • [#3951 ] support zstd compressor
  • [#2838 ] Saga support auto configuration in the spring boot project


  • [#3497 ] fix tcc phase two response timeout exception
  • [#3686 ] fix NPE and wrong cluster name of Apollo
  • [#3702 ] fix some comments
  • [#3716 ] fix the problem in the findTargetClass method
  • [#3717 ] fix typo of interval
  • [#3773 ] fix consul not found tc cluster
  • [#3695 ] fix mariadb unable to create XA connection
  • [#3783 ] fix the problem that store mode does not take effect
  • [#3740 ] fix that LocalThread is not cleared when the Saga transaction ends
  • [#3792 ] fix the Server can't find redis-host property
  • [#3828 ] fix StringUtils StackOverflowError
  • [#3817 ] fix TC SkyWalking topo calling node not gather
  • [#3803 ] fix ReflectionUtil throw unexpected exception
  • [#3879 ] fix postgresql multi schema throw not found channel exception
  • [#3881 ] fix getConfig with different default value return the first
  • [#3897 ] fix LocalDataTime type in FastjsonUndoLogParser can't be rollback
  • [#3901 ] fix seataio/seata-server servlet-api conflict
  • [#3931 ] fix the wrong path and filename when dump the jvm memory for analysis
  • [#3978 ] fix NPE cause by future timeout
  • [#4266 ] fix register branch and release lock failed when the size of rows that modified is greater than 1000 in oracle
  • [#3949 ] fix the problem that will not skip blank options. fix bug that split options may cause content loss
  • [#3988 ] fix the problem that nacos not found user when password has special characters
  • [#3998 ] fix the NPE of jedis multi.exec
  • [#4011 ] fix can not get properties of distributed-lock-table in springboot
  • [#4025 ] fix potential database resource leak
  • [#4023 ] fix the problem that the xid is not cleared in some scenes of dubbo
  • [#4039 ] fix RM did not clear XID after the local transaction threw an exception
  • [#4032 ] fix ApplicationContext already closed problem when Seata server using ShutdownHook to destroy
  • [#4074 ] fix prevents XA mode resource suspension
  • [#4107 ] fix deadlock problems during project construction
  • [#4158 ] fix the logback can't load the RPC_PORT
  • [#4162 ] fix correct built-in properties for redis registry
  • [#4165 ] fix StringUtils.toString(obj) throw ClassCastException when the obj is primitive data array
  • [#4169 ] fix xa mode originalConnection has been closed, cause PhaseTwo fail to execute
  • [#4177 ] fix the problem of accidentally releasing the global lock
  • [#4174 ] fix delete undo log connection already closed
  • [#4189 ] fix the kafka-appender.xml and logstash-appender.xml
  • [#4213 ] fix code for "sessionMode" not execute problem
  • [#4220 ] fix some problems with zstd compressor and add the version of the kotlin-maven-plugin
  • [#4222 ] fix could not rollback when insert field list is empty
  • [#4253 ] update executor store the actually modified columns but not only the columns in set condition
  • [#4276 ] fix seata-test module UT not work
  • [#4278 ] fix the problem that mysql's Blob/Clob/NClob data type cannot be deserialized
  • [#4302 ] fix the problem that other ORMs may not be able to obtain the auto-incrementing primary key value
  • [#4233 ] fix data remanence problems in lock and branch under specific circumstances.
  • [#4308 ] fix the TableMetaCache parsing problem with the same table under multiple Postgresql schemas
  • [#4326 ] fix inability to build Executor when using mariadb driver
  • [#4355 ] fix mysql-loadbalance resource id error
  • [#4310 ] fix the problem that failed to obtain the self increment ID of MySQL database through "select last_insert_id"
  • [#4331 ] fix dirty write check exception that may occur when using ONLY_CARE_UPDATE_COLUMNS configuration
  • [#4228 ] fix resource suspension in xa mode caused by choose other ip as channel alternative
  • [#4408 ] fix the invalid environment variable in container env
  • [#4441 ] fix the problem that pipelined resources are not closed in redis mode and add branchSession judge branchSessions is not null
  • [#4438 ] fix the problem that GlobalSession could not be deleted normally in the case of delayed deletion in the file mode of the develop branch
  • [#4432 ] fix the inability to get some remote configurations
  • [#4452 ] fix the change log of 'service.disableGlobalTransaction' config
  • [#4449 ] fix redis mode page npe and optimize get globalSession on average
  • [#4459 ] fix the failure to obtain before image and after image on oracle and pgsql of the develop branch
  • [#4471 ] in branch 'develop', fix the error when service.vgroupMapping change
  • [#4474 ] fix Mysql multi-bit Bit type field rollback error
  • [#4492 ] fix the failure to update cluster list dynamically when use eureka of the develop branch
  • [#4535 ] fix FileSessionManagerTest fail
  • [#4561 ] fix allSessions/findGlobalSessions may return null and cause npe
  • [#4505 ] fix fastjson serialization of time data types
  • [#4579 ] fix prepareUndoLogAll of MySQLInsertOrUpdateExecutor
  • [#4005 ] fix PK constraint name isn't the same as the unique index name which is belong to PK
  • [#4062 ] fix saga complex parameter deserialization problem
  • [#4199 ] fix rpc tm request timeout
  • [#4352 ] fix some problem of the sql parser
  • [#4487 ] fix remove Pagination hideOnlyOnePage attribute
  • [#4449 ] fix optimize redis limit and fix redis page bug
  • [#4608 ] fix test case
  • [#3110 ] fix the problem of unit test


  • [#4163 ] improve CONTRIBUTING docs
  • [#3678 ] supplement missing configuration and new version documents
  • [#3654 ] fix typo,applicationContex -> applicationContext
  • [#3615 ] asynchronous deletion after the transaction is committed
  • [#3687 ] fix the case that could not retry acquire global lock
  • [#3689 ] modify the attribute prefix in the file
  • [#3528 ] optimize the memory footprint of redis mode
  • [#3700 ] optimize the speed of buildLockKey
  • [#3588 ] optimize the logic of datasource auto proxy
  • [#3626 ] remove repeat change status
  • [#3722 ] add the basic code of distributed lock
  • [#3713 ] unified the default value of enableClientBatchSendRequest
  • [#3120 ] optimize Configuration and add unit tests
  • [#3735 ] do not load LoadBalance if not necessary
  • [#3770 ] close the Closeable and optimize some code
  • [#3627 ] use TreeMap instead of the LinkedHashMap in TableMeta to compatible high level MySQL
  • [#3760 ] opt the logback's config of seata-server
  • [#3765 ] Transfer the operation of adding configuration class from 'AutoConfiguration' to 'EnvironmentPostProcessor'
  • [#3730 ] Refactoring the code of TCC mode
  • [#3820 ] add column action_name to the tcc_fence_log
  • [#3738 ] JacksonUndoLogParser supports to parsing LocalDateTime
  • [#3794 ] optimize the packaging of seata-server
  • [#3795 ] optimize zk registry lookup performance
  • [#3840 ] optimiza apm-skwalking operation method to generate rules
  • [#3834 ] optimize seata-distribution add apm-seata-skywalking
  • [#3847 ] optimize ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet replace ConcurrentSet
  • [#3311 ] supports reading all configurations from a single Consul key
  • [#3849 ] optimize string concat
  • [#3890 ] optimize only the inserted fields are checked
  • [#3895 ] optimize decode exception
  • [#3898 ] add jib-maven-plugin
  • [#3904 ] ehance metrics and fix seata-server UT not work
  • [#3212 ] optimize recognize sql in limit and order by
  • [#3905 ] optimize to support ash
  • [#3935 ] optimize Send redis command at one time using pipeline
  • [#3916 ] optimize determine whether the server in the register is alive
  • [#3918 ] cache reflection results of the fields and methods
  • [#3898 ] add jib-maven-plugin
  • [#3907 ] optimize set server port
  • [#3912 ] support config JVM param in env
  • [#3939 ] use map instead of if else judge for more change in the future
  • [#3955 ] add a start banner for seata
  • [#3954 ] replace @Deprecated getOwnernName to getOwnerName in druid
  • [#3981 ] optimize service port priority
  • [#4013 ] optimize channel alive check
  • [#3982 ] optimize readme doc and upgrade some dependencies
  • [#3949 ] support default parameters and optional input parameters
  • [#3991 ] disable listening in the FileConfiguration center in Springboot
  • [#3994 ] Optimize the mechanism of periodically deleting tasks in the tcc_fence_log table
  • [#3327 ] supports reading all configurations from a single Etcd3 key
  • [#4001 ] support to read YML configuration from Nacos, Zookeeper, Consul, Etcd3
  • [#4017 ] optimize file configuration
  • [#4018 ] optimize Apollo configuration
  • [#4021 ] optimize Nacos、Consul、Zookeeper、Etcd3 configuration
  • [#4034 ] optimize Nacos, Consul, Zookeeper and Etcd3 configuration Junit test Class
  • [#4055 ] optimize NetUtil#getLocalAddress0
  • [#4086 ] optimize lazily load branch transactions and task scheduling
  • [#4056 ] optimize the DurationUtil
  • [#4103 ] optimize AbstractLockManager#collectRowLocks logic
  • [#3733 ] optimize acquire lock logic
  • [#4144 ] support default configuration of tx-service-group
  • [#4157 ] optimize client batch sending.
  • [#4191 ] support rpc timeout can be customized.
  • [#4216 ] no more attempt to clean undolog for none AT mode
  • [#4176 ] use expire key instead hash when using redis as registry center.
  • [#4196 ] tc batch response to client.
  • [#4212 ] optimize the interface of the console
  • [#4237 ] skip check lock when all the before image is empty
  • [#4251 ] optimize partial code handling
  • [#4262 ] optimize tcc module code handling
  • [#4235 ] optimize instance saved in eureka
  • [#4277 ] optimize acquire lock return fail-fast code in redis-pipeline mode.
  • [#4284 ] support authentication of MSE-Nacos with ak/sk
  • [#4299 ] optimize exceptions to make them friendly
  • [#4300 ] optimize let DefaultCoordinator invoke NettyRemotingServer's close method,no longer closed by ServerRunner
  • [#4270 ] improve the performance of global commit and global rollback, asynchronous branch transaction cleanup
  • [#4307 ] when in TCC mode there is no need to delete global locks
  • [#4303 ] tcc_fence_log table hanging log records are deleted asynchronously
  • [#4328 ] upload configuration script support comments
  • [#4305 ] optimize acquire global lock fail error log print on tc
  • [#4336 ] add SQL exception prompt not supported by AT mode
  • [#4359 ] support configuration metadata read from environment variables
  • [#4247 ] add tests for java17 and springboot in the github/actions
  • [#4353 ] Slimming down for the seata-all.jar
  • [#4393 ] skip reload for redis & db mode
  • [#4400 ] asynchronous tasks handle global transactions in parallel
  • [#4391 ] commit/rollback retry timeout event
  • [#4409 ] add copyright header to test classes
  • [#4282 ] optimize build UndoItem logic
  • [#4407 ] file mode does not require lazy processing of sessions
  • [#4436 ] optimize global session query in file mode
  • [#4431 ] limit the number of queries in Redis storage mode
  • [#4465 ] optimize client version transfer in tc batch response to client mode.
  • [#4469 ] optimize the way to get configuration in DB mode of console
  • [#4478 ] optimize Nacos config and naming properties
  • [#4522 ] optimize GC parameters in JVM
  • [#4517 ] enhance fail/timeout status metric and log level
  • [#4451 ] filesessionmanager changed to singleton and optimized task thread pool processing
  • [#4551 ] optimize metrics rt statistics
  • [#4574 ] support accessKey/secretKey auto configuration
  • [#4583 ] use HmacSHA256 instead of HmacSHA1 for ram signature
  • [#4591 ] optimize the default value of the switch
  • [#3780 ] optimize upgrade the Druid version
  • [#3797 ] optimize support instance BusinessActionContext outside the TCC try method
  • [#3909 ] optimize collectRowLocks method
  • [#3763 ] optimize github actions
  • [#4345 ] optimize fix the path of the package
  • [#4346 ] optimize the log of the server and remove lombok
  • [#4348 ] optimize Unified management the versions of maven-plugin
  • [#4354 ] optimize the tests of SAGA
  • [#4227 ] optimize the versions of the dependencies
  • [#4403 ] optimize disable SAGA tests
  • [#4453 ] optimize upgrade eureka-clients and xstream dependencies
  • [#4481 ] optimize nacos config and naming properties
  • [#4477 ] optimize debug log and fix typo
  • [#4484 ]optimize the log of TM/RM register
  • [#3874 ] optimize Add logo of registered enterprise,and Change image source to Alicdn
  • [#4458 ] optimize fix the of metrices module
  • [#4482 ] optimize remove duplicated word

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.4.2 (2021-04-26)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.4.2

Seata 1.4.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2933] add antlr for mysql sqlparser
  • [#3228] support custom serialization plugin
  • [#3172] support undo_loge compression mode in AT
  • [#3372] Saga support customize whether update last retry log
  • [#3411] support seata-server thread pool parameters configuration
  • [#3348] support redis sentinel storage mode in TC
  • [#2667] support password decryption when using db and redis storage mode
  • [#3427] add distributed lock interface
  • [#3443] support send the seata-server log to logstash or kafka
  • [#3486] add transaction service group for metric
  • [#3317] support to obtain multiple configurations through a single node when using zookeeper as configuration center
  • [#3516] support acl-token when consul is used registry and configuration center
  • [#3116] support configuring apollo configService and cluster
  • [#3468] saga support loop execution on state
  • [#3447] support Transaction context printing in logging framework


  • [#3258] fix AsyncWorker potential OOM problem
  • [#3293] fix configuration cache get value type mismatch exception
  • [#3241] forbidden use order by or limit in multi sql
  • [#3406] fix the value can not be push to nacos when special charset in config.txt
  • [#3418] fix getGeneratedKeys may get history pk
  • [#3408] fix the NPE problem of jar running mode when the third-dependency on separate packaging
  • [#3431] fix property bean may not be initialized when reading configuration
  • [#3413] fix the logic of rollback to savepoint and release to savepoint
  • [#3367] when the xa branch is rollback, it cannot be executed due to idle state
  • [#3448] reduce unnecessary competition and remove missing locks
  • [#3451] fix set auto-commit to true when local transactions are not being used. Failure to compete for a lock causes the global transaction to exit, invaliding the global row lock and dirty writing of the data.
  • [#3481] fix seata node refresh failure because of consul client throws exceptions
  • [#3491] fix typo in
  • [#3531] fix the NPE of RedisTransactionStoreManager when get branch transactions
  • [#3500] fix oracle and postgreSQL can't query column info
  • [#3560] fix the problem that the asynchronous task of the transactions in the committing state has no time threshold and cannot recover the transaction
  • [#3555] do not call setBlob to invalid the jdbc exception
  • [#3540] fix server distribution missing files
  • [#3597] fix the possible NPE
  • [#3568] fix automatic datasource agent caused by ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent Deadlock problem
  • [#3402] fix the problem that the updated column cannot be resolved because the field name in the updated SQL contains the database name
  • [#3464] fix test case NPE and StackTraceLogger's log.
  • [#3522] fix register branch and store undolog when AT branch does not need compete lock
  • [#3635] fix pushing notification failed when the configuration changed in zookeeper
  • [#3133] fix the case that could not retry acquire global lock
  • [#3156] optimize the logic of SpringProxyUtils.findTargetClass


  • [#3341] optimize the format of the path to the specified configuration file
  • [#3385] optimize github action and fix unit test failure
  • [#3175] improve UUIDGenerator using "history time" version of snowflake algorithm
  • [#3291] mysql jdbc connect param
  • [#3336] support using System.getProperty to get netty config property
  • [#3369] add github action secrets env for dockerHub
  • [#3343] Migrate CI provider from Travis CI to Github Actions
  • [#3397] add the change records folder
  • [#3303] supports reading all configurations from a single Nacos dataId
  • [#3380] globalTransactionScanner listener optimize
  • [#3123] optimize the packing strategy of seata-server
  • [#3415] optimize maven clean plugin to clear the distribution directory
  • [#3316] optimize the property bean may not be initialized while reading config value
  • [#3420] optimize enumerated classes and add unit tests
  • [#3533] added interface to get current transaction role
  • [#3436] optimize typo in SQLType class
  • [#3439] adjust the order of springApplicationContextProvider so that it can be called before the XML bean
  • [#3248] optimize the config of load-balance migration to belong the client node
  • [#3441] optimize the auto-configuration processing of starter
  • [#3466] String comparison uses equalsIgnoreCase()
  • [#3476] support when the server parameter passed is hostname, it will be automatically converted to IP
  • [#3236] optimize the conditions for executing unlocking
  • [#3485] optimize useless codes in ConfigurationFactory
  • [#3505] optimize useless if judgments in the GlobalTransactionScanner class
  • [#3544] optimize the get pks by auto when auto generated keys is false
  • [#3549] unified the length of xid in different tables when using DB storage mode
  • [#3551] make RETRY_DEAD_THRESHOLD bigger and configurable
  • [#3589] Changed exception check by JUnit API usage
  • [#3601] make LoadBalanceProperties compatible with spring-boot:2.x and above
  • [#3513] Saga SpringBeanService invoker support switch json parser
  • [#3318] make CLIENT_TABLE_META_CHECKER_INTERVAL configurable
  • [#3371] add applicationId for metric
  • [#3459] remove duplicate validAddress code
  • [#3215] opt the reload during startup in file mode
  • [#3631] optimize parameter
  • [#3638] optimize the error when use update or delete with join in sql
  • [#3523] optimize release savepoint when use oracle
  • [#3458] reversion the deleted md
  • [#3574] repair Spelling errors in comments in files
  • [#3573] fix designer directory path in
  • [#3662] update gpg key
  • [#3664] optimize some javadocs
  • [#3637] register the participating companies and pull request information


  • [#3381] test case for tmClient
  • [#3607] fixed bugs in EventBus unit tests
  • [#3579] add test case for StringFormatUtils
  • [#3365] optimize ParameterParserTest test case failed
  • [#3359] remove unused test case
  • [#3578] fix UnfinishedStubbing Exception in unit test case
  • [#3383] optimize StatementProxyTest unit test

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.4.1 (2021-02-08)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.4.1

Seata 1.4.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#3238] add deflater support for seata compressor


  • [#2879] fix deadlock during springboot project startup
  • [#3296] when mixed use of AT and TCC, AT branchs is not deleted
  • [#3254] clear the listener map of zk registry
  • [#3309] Saga statemachine definition json cannot enable jackson parser, and when no choice matched in choice state will throw NPE
  • [#3287] throw exception when update pk
  • [#3323] clean root context when state machine inst record failed
  • [#3281] fix wrong status when exception
  • [#2949] fix throw NPE when get the state list
  • [#3351] fix throw IllegalArgumentException when use hystrix when using SCA 2.2.3.RELEASE and below
  • [#3349] the problem test case
  • [#3325] fix retry commit unsuccess when record subMachineInst failed
  • [#3357] fix deploy staging rule check failed


  • [#3188] Local variable 'map' is redundant and check queue offer return value
  • [#3247] change client.log.exceptionRate to log.exceptionRate
  • [#3260] use PriorityQueue to simply ShutdownHook
  • [#3319] delete unnecessary @Sharable
  • [#3313] replace StringBuffer to StringBuilder
  • [#3335] modify TransactionPropagationInterceptor name
  • [#3310] enable NamedThreadFactory to get ThreadGroup from the SecurityManager or Current thread
  • [#3320] load balance strategy use constants
  • [#3345] adjust GlobalLockTemplateTest

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

1.4.0 (2020-10-30)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 1.4.0

Seata 1.4.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2380] support yml configuration

  • [#3191] support jdbc type nclob

  • [#2676] support least active load balance

  • [#3198] spring boot support for custom config and registry type

  • [#2806] support configuring default global transaction timeoutMillis

  • [#2941] add apollo secret key configuration

  • [#2080] support ConsistentHashLoadBalance

  • [#2950] support the reentrant lock in redis module

  • [#2913] The data source proxy mode can be selected as AT or XA

  • [#2856] support for undoLog using Fst serialization

  • [#3076] check lock in TC when use @GlobalLock

  • [#2825] support send authentication msg

  • [#2962] @GlobalTransactional and @GlobalLock can support customize lock retry config


  • [#3214] fix the 'RootContext.DEFAULT_BRANCH_TYPE' is wrong in some cases

  • [#3129] forbidding execute SQL which update pk value

  • [#3205] fix can not get boolean value in configuration

  • [#3170] the disposables tree set won't accept another Disposable with the same priority

  • [#3180] serializer fst package name error

  • [#3178] remove next line to space

  • [#2929] fix the application was configured to degrade at startup and can't be dynamically switch to upgraded

  • [#3050] fix fetch before images when delete and update statements

  • [#2935] fix saga designer bug that the property box does not switch when switching nodes

  • [#3140] fix Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW and add some comments

  • [#3130] fix some problems in the automatic data source proxy

  • [#3148] the redis lock key and the session key has conflict

  • [#3136] fix the redis pipeline

  • [#2551] Saga can't be used when the dataSource is AT's dataSourceProxy

  • [#3073] do not proxy connections without an xid

  • [#3074] There is no need to retry if the XA schema cannot find the XID

  • [#3097] fix HttpAutoConfiguration always instantiation in springboot env

  • [#3071] part of the connection is not unpacked

  • [#3056] fixed a bug that after branch deletion, there are still remaining branch lock

  • [#3025] fix the wrong package path

  • [#3031] redis locker delete lock incomplete

  • [#2973] fix oracle database in field size over 1000

  • [#2986] fix checkstyle plugin can't exclude single file

  • [#2910] fix error registry type comment

  • [#2914] fix branchType not cleaned when consumer is in TCC mode

  • [#2926] fastjson write undo log not parser

  • [#2897] fix jedis unlock fail

  • [#2918] fix the isolation problem when rollback in AT mode

  • [#2972] UUIDGenerator generates duplicated id

  • [#2932] script could not run with namespace

  • [#2900] ColumnUtils add escape with scheme

  • [#2904] fix getConfig cache value is 'null'

  • [#2890] fix misspelling in statelang examples

  • [#3040] fix repeated commit when autocommit is false

  • [#3230] fix use @EnableAutoDataSourceProxy startup failed

  • [#2979] columns of resultset integrated with sharingjdbc need to be lowercase

  • [#3233] fix Collections NPE

  • [#3242] fix batch sql getTableMeta error

  • [#3246] fix the exception when limit condition contains VariantRefExpr


  • [#3062] refactor the redis session store

  • [#3201] optimize the wrong stack not fully display

  • [#3117] make log more clearly and remove the useless code

  • [#3134] optimize codes related to Map and List

  • [#3195] optimize XID related codes

  • [#3200] optimize rpc message when message was substring

  • [#3186] remove duplicated in string utils

  • [#3162] remove repeated conditional tests

  • [#2969] upgrade to druid 1.1.23

  • [#3141] upgrade nacos and FastJSON dependencies

  • [#3118] add more configuration tips in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json

  • [#2597] judging xid status to avoid repeated processing

  • [#3102] optimize ContextCore, can be set 'Object' value

  • [#3016] refactor the redis lock string to hash

  • [#3046] remove unused code in serializer factory

  • [#3053] jedis pool adds maxtotal configuration

  • [#3012] remove set port repeatedly

  • [#2978] optimize globalCommit for mixed use of AT and TCC

  • [#2967] replace with lambda

  • [#2968] ensure that the register message is sent after RM client initialization

  • [#2945] optimize async commit and reduce one update

  • [#2952] optimize additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json

  • [#2920] optimize some grammatical errors

  • [#2906] added some configuration items to keep consistent with official documents

  • [#3222] optimize fileListener to decrease cpu time usage

  • [#2843] removed Reloadable from the redis/db SessionManager

  • [#3209] add using company logos

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • wangliang181230

  • funky-eyes

  • jsbxyyx

  • l81893521

  • lightClouds917

  • caohdgege

  • yujianfei1986

  • ph3636

  • PeineLiang

  • heyaping388

  • guang384

  • zdrjson

  • ITAlexSun

  • dongzl

  • 81519434

  • wangwei-yin

  • jujinghao

  • JRial95

  • mxszs1

  • RayneHwang

  • everyhook1

  • li469791221

  • luorenjin

  • yangxb2010000

  • selfishlover

  • yyjgit66

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

  • WebSite:

1.3.0 (2020-07-14)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.3.0

Seata 1.3.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2398] support multi pk for MySQL

  • [#2484] store mode support redis

  • [#2817] Saga StateMachine engine and Designer support Groovy Script Task

  • [#2646] server support for HikariCP

  • [#2253] support for dynamic upgrade and downgrade

  • [#2565] support for transaction annotations on classes

  • [#2510] support LZ4 compressor

  • [#2622] support version valid check

  • [#2658] dataSources support different permissions of Oracle users

  • [#2620] support group configuration in Nacos registry

  • [#2699] compatible with ACM

  • [#2509] support for undo full data columns on update operate

  • [#2584] StateHandlerInterceptor and StateRouterInterceptor support SPI

  • [#2808] server check auth support SPI

  • [#2616] TCC adapter for Dubbo And Sofa reference annotation

  • [#2831] Saga support jackson json parser

  • [#2554] support zk serializer

  • [#2708] support jdbc type array, datalink etc

  • [#2412] xid generation strategy support snowflake

  • [#2611] support the cache of configuration values


  • [#2893] fix get table meta failed in postgresql

  • [#2887] fix rm client receive response logic

  • [#2610] nacos-script adapt to Nacos 1.2 on permission control

  • [#2588] fix when the check_style does not pass, no detail information output

  • [#2543] fix ApplicationKeeper ShutdownHook signal invalid.

  • [#2598] fix unable to register Nacos

  • [#2618] fix could not create folder in zookeeper

  • [#2628] fix get tableName and alias error in mysql delete

  • [#2639] fix Apollo configuration load fail due to camel style

  • [#2629] fix duplicated resource id with different currentSchema in PostgreSQL

  • [#2659] fix mysql insert use select last_insert_id is undo_log id value

  • [#2670] fix dataSource initialize more times

  • [#2617] fix incorrect getAnnotation about class and method

  • [#2603] fix can't get generated keys value.

  • [#2725] fix other expression before insert row primary key.

  • [#2698] fix nested GlobalLock unbind prematurely

  • [#2755] fix not return value when branchCommit and branchRollback throw exception

  • [#2777] fix can't rollback when set rollback retry count was zero.

  • [#2812] fix get PostgreSQL tableMeta error when using shardingSphere

  • [#2760] fix TM rollback fail throw the seata exception, rollback retrying throw NPE

  • [#2837] fix wrong constant used in the saga SubStateMachineHandler

  • [#2839] fix business exception is lost when compensation succeed in saga mode

  • [#2650] fix TCC and Saga branches will also parse SQL in AbstractConnectionProxy

  • [#2850] Fix Saga designer rounded polylines cause page crashes

  • [#2868] fix can't find AsyncEventBus dependency

  • [#2871] fix get tableMeta failed when table name like 'schame'.'table'

  • [#2685] fix oracle insert sql use sysdate error.

  • [#2872] fix missing escape char in the primary key for the undo sql

  • [#2875] fix ColumnUtils delEscape with scheme error


  • [#2573] replace Random with ThreadLocalRandom in RandomLoadBalance

  • [#2540] refactor rpc request method and rpc interface

  • [#2642] optimize unsafe double-checked locking in SofaRegistryServiceImpl

  • [#2561] keep the same logic of get tableMeta

  • [#2591] support the default timeout for zookeeper register

  • [#2601] repackage spring-boot-starter

  • [#2415] distinguish database behavior according to the branch type

  • [#2647] remove the unused variable

  • [#2649] optimize get tableMeta

  • [#2652] consul supports custom port

  • [#2660] modify IdWorker position to make it reasonable

  • [#2625] polish testing code, replace with Mockito.verify

  • [#2666] add using users organization logos

  • [#2680] Change GlobalTransactionalInterceptor to singleton

  • [#2683] optimize TccActionInterceptor log print

  • [#2477] refactoring client request processing logic.

  • [#2280] refactor InsertExecutor

  • [#2044] optimize ColumnUtils.addEscape method performance

  • [#2730] optimize get config type from configuration

  • [#2723] optimize get tableMeta in postgreSql

  • [#2734] change postgreSql driver scope to provide

  • [#2749] optimize logger class misWrite

  • [#2751] copy jdbc driver to image

  • [#2759] optimized the generation rules of thread name factory

  • [#2607] support insert pkValue support check

  • [#2765] optimize the processing logic of XA's RM for unsupported transaction resources.

  • [#2771] disable unstable unit tests

  • [#2779] CollectionUtils.decodeMap method variables ConcurrentHashMap refact to HashMap

  • [#2486] refactor server handle request process logic from client

  • [#2770] TCC two phase method return type supports void

  • [#2788] optimize server log pattern and support for colored log

  • [#2816] optimize create clazz instance

  • [#2787] modify workerId generation method

  • [#2776] optimize paramsPlaceHolder generate by StringUtils.repeat()

  • [#2799] code opt format

  • [#2829] downgrade check unlock and asynchronous

  • [#2842] code opt format about the sqls and typos

  • [#2242] optimize PreparedStatementProxy initialization logic

  • [#2613] fix typo and some coding guidelines

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • funky-eyes

  • wangliang181230

  • jsbxyyx

  • l81893521

  • objcoding

  • long187

  • CharmingRabbit

  • diguage

  • helloworlde

  • chenxi-null

  • ph3636

  • xianlaioy

  • qq925716471

  • horoc

  • XavierChengZW

  • anic

  • fxtahe

  • wangwengeek

  • yangfuhai

  • PeineLiang

  • f654c32

  • dagmom

  • caohdgege

  • zjinlei

  • yyjgit66

  • lj2018110133

  • wxbty

  • hsoftxl

  • q294881866

  • 81519434

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

  • WebSite:

1.2.0 (2020-04-20)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.2.0

Seata 1.2.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2381] support XA transaction mode

  • [#2206] support REQUIRED、REQUIRES_NEW、SUPPORTS and NOT_SUPPORTED transaction propagation

  • [#2112] support batch update and delete with multiple sql

  • [#2275] support hsf on TCC transaction mode

  • [#2108] support zip bzip2 7z compressor

  • [#2328] support for isolated loading of mysql 5.x and 8.x jdbc drivers classes

  • [#2367] add permission configuration support for Nacos 1.2

  • [#2359] support propagation.never, propagation.mandatory and transaction suspend and resume api

  • [#2418] support fst serialization

  • [#2135] support SPI scope

  • [#2370] support failureHandler implement can be read from the container

  • [#2481] support the max wait configuration for db

  • [#2379] support custom service name when registering with Nacos

  • [#2308] add switch to control whether to register branch on Saga transaction mode

  • [#2301] support default expr and nextval for postgresql


  • [#2575] fix executeBatch can not get targetSql in Statement mode

  • [#2283] fix oracle get tableMeta fail

  • [#2312] fix the judgement of configuration condition

  • [#2309] fix timestamp deserialize lost nano

  • [#2292] fix some configuration not converted to camel style

  • [#2306] fix deprecated maven prerequisites

  • [#2287] fix connection context can't be remove when global lock retry

  • [#2361] fix the error configuration name

  • [#2333] fix wrong exception information when rollback fails due to dirty data

  • [#2390] fix configuration item containing spaces

  • [#2408] fix missing sequence in undo_log table

  • [#2391] fix configuration exceptions lead to increased CPU usage

  • [#2427] fix StringUtils.toString(o) StackOverflowError

  • [#2384] fix StateMachineRepository#getStateMachineById will replace the last version in cache

  • [#2323] fix wrong proxy of datasource bean

  • [#2466] fix memory visibility of active attribute in file mode

  • [#2349] fix insert sql primary key value support check

  • [#2479] fix postgresql schema when not use lowerCase

  • [#2449] fix can't get table structure when startup

  • [#2505] fix bug of session store path value judgment

  • [#2456] fix server encode request error

  • [#2495] fix the NPE and reduce the request when lockkey is null

  • [#2490] fix RpcContext.addResource when resource is null

  • [#2419] fix http testcase run failed

  • [#2535] fix wrong configuration name in config.txt

  • [#2524] registration service configuration missing and inconsistent

  • [#2473] fix flush condition of disk in file mode

  • [#2455] fix child module can't execute copyright and checkstyle inspection


  • [#2409] reduce the db and network request when undoLog or lockKey is empty

  • [#2329] separate the different storage pattern processing logic

  • [#2354] optimize the unsupported listener logic for spring cloud config

  • [#2320] optimize protostuff and kryo serialize timestamp

  • [#2307] optimize transaction context switch logic when switch transaction mode

  • [#2364] optimize generated instances that were not actually used when the class was loaded

  • [#2368] add zk missing configuration

  • [#2351] add get local global status

  • [#2529] optimize druid parameter

  • [#2288] codecov.yml ignore mock test

  • [#2297] remove duplicated dependency

  • [#2336] add using organization logos

  • [#2348] remove redundant configuration

  • [#2362] optimize stackTraceLogger param

  • [#2382] optimize RegistryFactory singleton pattern and RegistryType judgement

  • [#2400] optimize the magic num of date at UUIDGenerator

  • [#2397] fix typo

  • [#2407] inaccurate judgment may be lead to NPE

  • [#2402] optimize the rm and tm register log

  • [#2422] add link of script in document

  • [#2440] optimize contact us and startup log

  • [#2445] optimize the class registration method for kryo and fst

  • [#2372] refactor lock store sql with SPI

  • [#2453] optimize unnecessary server configuration item

  • [#2369] refactor log store sql with SPI

  • [#2526] optimize spring-boot startup log

  • [#2530] remove use connPool

  • [#2489] optimize exceptionHandler's method signature

  • [#2494] reduce the redundant code

  • [#2523] optimize abnormal global transaction's output logs by frequency

  • [#2549] optimize the exception log for ZookeeperConfiguration

  • [#2558] optimize config and server module log

  • [#2464] enhance Saga transaction editor

  • [#2553] add some notes about using scripts

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • funky-eyes

  • ph3636

  • lightClouds917

  • l81893521

  • jsbxyyx

  • objcoding

  • CharmingRabbit

  • xingfudeshi

  • lovepoem

  • SevenSecondsOfMemory

  • zjinlei

  • ggndnn

  • tauntongo

  • threefish

  • helloworlde

  • long187

  • jaspercloud

  • dk-lockdown

  • wxbty

  • sharajava

  • ppj19891020

  • YuKongEr

  • Zh1Cheung

  • wangwei-ying

  • mxszs

  • q294881866

  • HankDevelop

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

  • WebSite:

1.1.0 (2020-02-19)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.1.0

Seata 1.1.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2200] support postgresql(client and server)

  • [#1746] integrate with httpClient

  • [#2240] support custom saga transaction recovery strategy on transaction timeout

  • [#1693] support for druid class isolation loading

  • [#2245] zookeeper digest support

  • [#2239] compatibility dubbo 2.7.4+

  • [#2203] support nacos configuration group

  • [#2086] support apollo configuration namespace

  • [#2106] support FastThreadLocalContextCore

  • [#1703] create sql parser SPI and a druid type sql parser

  • [#2151] Saga provide a switch to skip branch report on branch success


  • [#2270] fix worker size not support enum type and some minor problem

  • [#2258] fix channelHandler not sharable

  • [#2261] fix ApplicationContext has not been refreshed

  • [#2262] fix nacos script set group error

  • [#2249] fix saga statemachine status incorrect on register branch failed

  • [#2262] fix nacos script set group error

  • [#2126] fix escape characters for column and table names

  • [#2234] fix type error when fastjson deserialize long type

  • [#2237] fix DefaultCoordinatorTest failed in Windows OS

  • [#2233] fix fastjson undo filter tableMeta

  • [#2172] fix configuration center can't read configuration using SpringCloudConfig

  • [#2217] correct wrong property names in seata-spring-boot-starter

  • [#2219] fix the value of disableGlobalTransaction not being read correctly

  • [#2187] fix the wrong rollback sequence caused by the same record request from different transaction branches on different servers

  • [#2175] fix direct buffer OOM

  • [#2210] fix retry expired commit and rollback globalSession can't be removed

  • [#2179] fix type casting problem when using redis as registry

  • [#2192] fix override eureka getHostName() return ipAddress

  • [#2198] fix global lock not released when rollback retry timeout

  • [#2167] fix saga concurrent asynchronous execution with duplicate primary key xid

  • [#2185] fix issue of judgement container in kubernetes

  • [#2145] fix Saga report branch status incorrect when service retried succeed

  • [#2113] fix when branchRollback failed, it will trigger retry of multi-tc


  • [#2255] optimize some default configuration value

  • [#2230] unify the config style and keep defaults consistent

  • [#1935] some about rpc optimize

  • [#2215] optimize handing saga transaction timeout

  • [#2227] separate tc In/Outbound interface

  • [#2033] an optimization about DefaultRemotingParser

  • [#1688] reduce unnecessary dependences in client side

  • [#2134] separate the different transaction pattern processing logic

  • [#2224] optimize ContextCoreLoader code style

  • [#2171] optimize script and add script usage demo

  • [#2208] replace getDbType with LoadLevel name

  • [#2182] optimize configuration item prefix judgment

  • [#2211] optimize RootContext code style

  • [#2140] optimize GzipUtil code style

  • [#2209] refactor seata-discovery more readable

  • [#2055] refactor tableMetaCache and undoLogManager with SPI

  • [#2184] refactor seata-config more readable

  • [#2095] refactor of auto proxying of datasource

  • [#2178] saga statemachine designer add default properties for catch node

  • [#2103] optimize tcc module code style

  • [#2125] change the package path of MySQL recognizer

  • [#2176] fix typos

  • [#2156] refactor sql parser type druid as constant

  • [#2170] enhance test coverage of seata common

  • [#2139] gracefully close resources

  • [#2097] use serializer package name instead of codec

  • [#2159] optimize spring module code style

  • [#2036] optimize Dubbo parser

  • [#2062] optimize seata-rm-datasource module code style

  • [#2146] optimize log specifications

  • [#2038] simplify to make seata-common more readable

  • [#2120] fix typos

  • [#2078] enhance oracle table meta cache code coverage

  • [#2115] fix typos

  • [#2099] optimize tm module code style

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • xingfudeshi

  • objcoding

  • long187

  • zjinlei

  • ggndnn

  • lzf971107

  • CvShrimp

  • l81893521

  • ph3636

  • koonchen

  • leizhiyuan

  • funky-eyes

  • caioguedes

  • helloworlde

  • wxbty

  • bao-hp

  • guojingyinan219

  • CharmingRabbit

  • jaspercloud

  • jsbxyyx

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

  • WebSite:

1.0.0 (2019-12-21)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.0.0

Seata 1.0.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#1966] add single send request for client

  • [#2004] add config center synchronization script

  • [#1997] provides a tool for generating graphics that show the state machine execution path

  • [#1992] support dynamic disable

  • [#1898] support dynamic config

  • [#1983] add hessian codec for rpc serialization

  • [#1960] Provide a visual graph designer for Seata Saga StateMachine based on GGEditor

  • [#1900] Saga state language support "Retry" service when error occurred

  • [#1885] add configuration for build docker image in server module

  • [#1914] support where condition exists for Oracle

  • [#1878] support exists in where condition

  • [#1871] adapt springcloud-alibaba-seata autoconfig

  • [#1844] StateMachine ServiceTask supports asynchronous execution

  • [#1742] add seata-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1460] support gzip compressor

  • [#1492] support gRpc


  • [#2066] fix thread unsafe which missing double check when initial eureka client

  • [#2059] fix repeated rollback caused by asynchronous rollback thread

  • [#2050] fix if add configListener but dataId not exist, it will throw NPE

  • [#2053] fix when tableName is keyword, the insert operation will get afterImage fail

  • [#2054] fix RetryRollbackingSessionManager lost Rollbacking

  • [#2043] fix startup failure when dynamic proxy is turned on and use druid-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1668] fix sql statement escape symbol

  • [#2029] fix seata-spring-boot-starter does not work

  • [#2037] fix mysql connection unable to release

  • [#2032] fix Etcd3Configuration FILE_CONFIG reference incorrect

  • [#1929] fix duplicated table meta cache key

  • [#1996] fix auto proxying of datasource which has final modifier

  • [#2001] replace deprecated jvm args

  • [#1984] fix presuppose environment variable and replace base image for tool

  • [#1978] fix FileTransactionStoreManagerTest failed on wins OS

  • [#1953] fix get table meta failed with catalog

  • [#1973] fix error of get server port in container

  • [#1905] solve the lock_key length problem

  • [#1927] fix class with private access constructors should not be loaded by SPI.

  • [#1961] fix travis-ci exceeded the maximum log length

  • [#1893] fix saga dose not delete branches when transaction ended

  • [#1932] fix issue of doesn't match environment when build docker image

  • [#1912] fix string.format() method formatting error

  • [#1917] fix NullPointerException in DB mock during CI

  • [#1909] fix xidInterceptorType is null

  • [#1902] fix NPE in UndoExecutorFactory

  • [#1789] fix xid header lowercase

  • [#1889] fix register branch thread hang on tcc mode

  • [#1813] fix TCC does not support cross-service

  • [#1825] fix global status inconsistent when rollback and branch register are concurrent

  • [#1850] fix server restart not recover max sessionId on db mode

  • [#1879] fix jdbc parameter set null

  • [#1874] fix when write the new file throw ClosedChannelException

  • [#1863] fix the other of column type cause rollback fail

  • [#1837] fix saga ExpressionEvaluator not support null value

  • [#1810] fix statemachine def can't store to db and provide query the state logs

  • [#1834] fix StateInstance log can't record output parameters

  • [#1856] fix protostuff undo log get default content

  • [#1845] fix when branchCommit failed,it will trigger retry of multi-tc and throw npe

  • [#1858] fix Global transaction does not work

  • [#1846] fix multi-thread concurrent add listener problem

  • [#1839] fix filter repeated lock

  • [#1768] fix problem when set useInformationSchema true and table name was keyword

  • [#1796] fix unexcepted exception can roll back

  • [#1805] fix connectionproxy prepareStatement not in global transaction

  • [#1780] fix can't use select for update in oracle

  • [#1802] changing HashMap to LinkedHashMap for deterministic iterations

  • [#1793] fix auto proxy for multiple-datasource does not work

  • [#1788] fix mysql can not get primary key value

  • [#1764] fix jdk 11 remoteAddress is null

  • [#1778] fix clean up resources in time to avoid mutual influence between unit tests

  • [#1777] fix DeleteExecutor buildBeforeImageSQL keyword checker by db type


  • [#2068] optimize get database connection

  • [#2056] remove non-javadoc element

  • [#1775] optimize datasource manager branch rollback exception log

  • [#2000] classify script to correspond directory

  • [#2007] enhance test coverage of seata common

  • [#1969] add ops script for Docker-Compose, Kubernetes and Helm

  • [#1967] Add Dockerfile

  • [#2018] optimize about ConfigFuture

  • [#2020] optimize saga log output

  • [#1975] Flatten Saga nested transactions

  • [#1980] show the applicationId when register TM

  • [#1994] rename zk configuration root path.

  • [#1990] add netty config constant keys.

  • [#1979] optimize get select for update recognizer

  • [#1957] load keywordChecker through SPI

  • [#1956] modify no available server error more clearly, and fixed NP

  • [#1958] transform desinger json to statemachine standard json

  • [#1951] add using organization logo

  • [#1950] leak of error trace while handleAsyncCommitting

  • [#1931] support namespace

  • [#1938] optimize the speed when batch insert or batch update

  • [#1930] reduce HashMap initial size

  • [#1919] force check code style

  • [#1918] optimize assert throw exception

  • [#1911] javadoc should be used for classes, class variables and methods.

  • [#1920] use iterator to remove timeout future.

  • [#1907] encapsulation determines the supported database type

  • [#1903] batch query branchSession by xid list

  • [#1910] all Override methods must be annotated with @override

  • [#1906] add exception system exit code when rpcServer init.

  • [#1897] remove clientTest it's not use

  • [#1883] restructure SQLRecognizer and UndoExecutor

  • [#1890] reformat saga module

  • [#1798] improving method format performance

  • [#1884] optimize auto closeable

  • [#1869] add phase one successful reporting switch

  • [#1842] add some init script

  • [#1838] simplify and groom configuration items

  • [#1866] server lack of error trace

  • [#1867] optimization of seata-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1817] add unit test for seata-tm module

  • [#1823] reduce server rpc with db

  • [#1835] SagaTransactionalTemplate provide reloadTransaction method

  • [#1861] optimize no primary key output log

  • [#1836] change "IsPersist" property value type from String to Boolean

  • [#1824] remove deprecated JVM arguments in Java 11

  • [#1820] adjust check style

  • [#1806] format error log

  • [#1815] update codecov.yml

  • [#1811] adjust codecov configuration

  • [#1799] reduce unnecessary synchronized

  • [#1674] increase rm code coverage by db mock

  • [#1710] add prefix counter for NamedThreadFactory

  • [#1790] format seata server register eureka instance id

  • [#1760] put message to logQueue

  • [#1787] make rpc remoting log easier to read

  • [#1786] simplify code

  • [#1766] remove unused method

  • [#1770] string splice and release lock

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • long187

  • jsbxyyx

  • l81893521

  • helloworlde

  • xingfudeshi

  • zjinlei

  • CharmingRabbit

  • objcoding

  • cmonkey

  • lzf971107

  • ggndnn

  • lightClouds917

  • ruqinhu

  • yuhuangbin

  • anrror

  • funky-eyes

  • caohdgege

  • contextshuffling

  • echooymxq

  • github-ygy

  • iapplejohn

  • jKill

  • Justice-love

  • lovepoem

  • niaoshuai

  • ph3636

  • wangwei-ying

  • whjjay

  • yangfuhai

  • zhongfuhua

  • lizwmaster

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

0.9.0 (2019-10-16)

source | binary

Release notes

Seata 0.9.0

Seata 0.9.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#1608] Saga implementation base on state machine
  • [#1625] support custom config and registry type
  • [#1656] support spring cloud config
  • [#1689] support -e startup parameter for specifying the environment name
  • [#1739] support retry when tm commit or rollback failed


  • [#1605] fix deadlocks that can be caused by object locks and global locks and optimize the granularity of locks
  • [#1685] fix pk too long in lock table on db mode and optimize error log
  • [#1691] fix can't access private member of DruidDataSourceWrapper
  • [#1699] fix use 'in' and 'between' in where condition for Oracle and Mysql
  • [#1713] fix LockManagerTest.concurrentUseAbilityTest assertion condition
  • [#1720] fix can't refresh table meta data for oracle
  • [#1729] fix oracle batch insert error
  • [#1735] clean xid when tm commit or rollback failed
  • [#1749] fix undo support oracle table meta cache
  • [#1751] fix memory lock is not released due to hash conflict
  • [#1761] fix oracle rollback failed when the table has null Blob Clob value
  • [#1759] fix saga service method not support interface type parameter
  • [#1401] fix the first registration resource is null when RM starts


  • [#1701] remove unused imports
  • [#1705] Based on Java5 optimization
  • [#1706] optimize inner class to static class
  • [#1707] default charset use StandardCharsets.UTF_8 instead
  • [#1712] abstract undolog manager class
  • [#1722] simplify to make codes more readable
  • [#1726] format log messages
  • [#1738] add server's jvm parameters
  • [#1743] improve the efficiency of the batch log
  • [#1747] use raw types instead of boxing types
  • [#1750] abstract tableMeta cache class
  • [#1755] enhance test coverage of seata-common module
  • [#1756] security: upgrade jackson to avoid security vulnerabilities
  • [#1657] optimize the problem of large direct buffer when file rolling in file storage mode

Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

0.8.1 (2019-09-18)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 0.8.1 Seata 0.8.1 Released. Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution. The version is updated as follows: #### feature: - [[#1598](] support profile to use absolute path - [[#1617](] support profile’s(registry.conf) name configurable - [[#1418](] support undo_log kryo serializer - [[#1489](] support protobuf maven plugin - [[#1437](] support kryo codec - [[#1478](] support db mock - [[#1512](] extended support for mysql and oracle multiple insert batch syntax - [[#1496](] support auto proxy of DataSource #### bugfix: - [[#1646](] fix selectForUpdate lockQuery exception in file mode - [[#1572](] fix get tablemeta fail in oracle when table name was lower case - [[#1663](] fix get tablemeta fail when table name was keyword - [[#1666](] fix restore connection's autocommit - [[#1643](] fix serialize and deserialize in java.sql.Blob, java.sql.Clob - [[#1628](] fix oracle support ROWNUM query - [[#1552](] fix BufferOverflow when BranchSession size too large - [[#1609](] fix thread unsafe of oracle keyword checker - [[#1599](] fix thread unsafe of mysql keyword checker - [[#1607](] fix NoSuchMethodError when the version of druid used < 1.1.3 - [[#1581](] fix missing some length in GlobalSession and FileTransactionStoreManager - [[#1594](] fix nacos's default namespace - [[#1550](] fix calculate BranchSession size missing xidBytes.length - [[#1558](] fix NPE when the rpcMessage's body is null - [[#1505](] fix bind public network address listen failed - [[#1539](] fix nacos namespace setting does not take effect - [[#1537](] fix nacos-config.txt missing store.db.driver-class-name property - [[#1522](] fix ProtocolV1CodecTest testAll may be appears test not pass - [[#1525](] fix when getAfterImage error, trx autocommit - [[#1518](] fix EnhancedServiceLoader may be appears load class error - [[#1514](] fix when lack serialization dependence can't generate undolog and report true - [[#1445](] fix DefaultCoordinatorMetricsTest UT failed - [[#1481](] fix TableMetaCache refresh problem in multiple datasource #### optimize: - [[#1629](] optimize the watcher efficiency of etcd3 - [[#1661](] optimize global_table insert transaction_name size - [[#1633](] optimize branch transaction repeated reporting false - [[#1654](] optimize wrong usage of slf4j - [[#1593](] optimize and standardize server log - [[#1648](] optimize transaction_name length when building the table - [[#1576](] eliminate the impact of instructions reordering on session async committing task - [[#1618](] optimize undolog manager and fix delete undolog support oracle - [[#1469](] reduce the number of lock conflict exception - [[#1619](] replace StringBuffer with StringBuilder - [[#1580](] optimize LockKeyConflictException and change register method - [[#1574](] optimize once delete GlobalSession locks for db mode when commit success - [[#1601](] optimize typo - [[#1602](] upgrade fastjson version to 1.2.60 for security issue - [[#1583](] optimize get oracle primary index - [[#1575](] add UT for RegisterTMRequest - [[#1559](] optimize delay to delete the expired undo log - [[#1547](] TableRecords delete jackson annotation - [[#1542](] optimize AbstractSessionManager debug log - [[#1535](] remove H2 and pgsql get primary index code and close resultSet - [[#1541](] code clean - [[#1544](] remove Chinese comment - [[#1533](] refactor of the logics of Multi-configuration Isolation - [[#1493](] add table meta checker switch - [[#1530](] throw Exception when no index in the table - [[#1444](] simplify operation of map - [[#1497](] add seata-all dependencies - [[#1490](] remove unnecessary code Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission. - [slievrly]( - [BeiKeJieDeLiuLangMao]( - [jsbxyyx]( - [ldcsaa]( - [zjinlei]( - [l81893521]( - [ggndnn]( - [github-ygy]( - [chenxi-null]( - [tq02ksu]( - [AjaxXu]( - [finalcola]( - [lovepoem]( - [cmonkey]( - [xingfudeshi]( - [andyqian]( - [tswstarplanet]( - [zhengyangyong]( Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all. #### Link - **Seata:** - **Seata-Samples:** - **Release:**

0.8.0 (2019-08-16)

Release notes

Seata 0.8.0

Seata 0.8.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#902] support oracle database in AT mode

  • [#1447] support oracle batch operation

  • [#1392] support undo log table name configurable

  • [#1353] support mysql batch update and batch delete

  • [#1379] support -Dkey=value SysConfig

  • [#1365] support schedule check table mata

  • [#1371] support mysql preparedStatement batch self-increment primary keys

  • [#1337] support mysql batch insert for non-self-inc primary keys

  • [#1235] support delete expired undolog use protobuf codec

  • [#1235] support to delete undolog in back task use seata codec

  • [#1323] support database driver class configuration item


  • [#1456] fix xid would be duplicate in cluster mode

  • [#1454] fix DateCompareUtils can not compare byte array

  • [#1452] fix select for update retry get dirty value

  • [#1443] fix serialize the type of timestamp lost nano value

  • [#1374] fix store.mode get configuration inconsistent

  • [#1409] fix map.toString() error

  • [#1344] fix ByteBuffer allocates a fixed length, which cause BufferOverflowException

  • [#1419] fix if the connection is autocommit=false will cause fail to delete

  • [#1370] fix begin failed not release channel and throw exception

  • [#1396] fix ClassNotFound problem for Nacos config implementation

  • [#1395] fix check null channel

  • [#1385] fix get SessionManager error when rollback retry timeout

  • [#1378] fix clusterAddressMap did not remove the instance after the instance was offline

  • [#1332] fix nacos script initialization the configuration value contains ’=‘ failed

  • [#1341] fix multiple operations on the same record in the same local transaction, rollback failed

  • [#1339] fix when image is EmptyTableRecords, rollback failed

  • [#1314] fix if don't specify the startup parameters, db mode don't take effect

  • [#1342] fix ByteBuffer allocate len error

  • [#1333] fix netty memory leak

  • [#1338] fix lock is not acquired when multiple branches have cross locks

  • [#1334] fix lock key npe bug, when tcc use protobuf

  • [#1313] fix DefaultFailureHandler check status NPE


  • [#1474] optimize data image compare log

  • [#1446] optimize the server's schedule tasks

  • [#1448] refactor executor class remove the duplicate code

  • [#1408] change ChannelFactory package in TmRpcClientTest

  • [#1432] implement equals and hashcode of the object that is used as the hash key

  • [#1429] remove unused imports

  • [#1426] fix syntax error

  • [#1425] fix typo

  • [#1356] optimize sql join

  • [#1416] optimize some javadoc comments

  • [#1417] optimize oracle keyword

  • [#1404] optimize BranchStatus comments

  • [#1414] optimize mysql keywords

  • [#1407] disable unstable unit tests

  • [#1398] optimize eureka registry serviceUrl with default port

  • [#1364] optimize table columns name defined as constants

  • [#1389] add the oracle support prompt information

  • [#1375] add compareRows failed log

  • [#1358] clean temporary file file runs when UT is finished

  • [#1355] add test case for rpc protocol

  • [#1357] code clean of Consul&Etcd config center implementations

  • [#1345] code clean and modify log level

  • [#1329] add STORE_FILE_DIR default value

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • Justice-love

  • l81893521

  • ggndnn

  • zjinlei

  • andyqian

  • cmonkey

  • wangjin

  • Arlmls

  • lukairui

  • kongwang

  • lightClouds917

  • xingfudeshi

  • alicexiaoshi

  • itxingqing

  • wanghuizuo

  • 15168326318

  • github-ygy

  • ujjboy

  • leizhiyuan

  • vikenlove

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

0.7.1 (2019-07-15)

Release notes

Seata 0.7.1

Seata 0.7.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

Bugfix & Optimize

0.7.0 (2019-07-12)

Release notes

Seata 0.7.0

Seata 0.7.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#1276] New RPC protocol
  • [#1266] add enabled configuration for metrics (97)
  • [#1236] support metrics for tc server
  • [#1214] add config shutdown.wait and update version to 0.7.0-SNAPSHOT (1212)
  • [#1206] setting default values using trinomial operators
  • [#1174] add nacos config initialization python script (1172)
  • [#1145] Change LockMode from MEMORY to DB when the StoreMode is DB
  • [#1125] Add protostuff as serializer of UndoLogParser.
  • [#1007] support protobuf feature (97)

Bugfix & Optimize

  • [#1286] bugfix: add some configuration and exclude log dependency (97)
  • [#1278] bugfix: pass txId into TCC interceptor
  • [#1274] 1. optimization SQL join
  • [#1271] bugfix: @GlobalLock get error with Response (97, 1224)
  • [#1270] bugfix: print error exception
  • [#1269] bugfix: fix TMClinet reconnect exception
  • [#1265] Invoke addBatch of targetStatement if not in global transaction
  • [#1264] configuration:update ignore and coverage (97)
  • [#1263] docs: add doc about contribution (97)
  • [#1262] bugfix: fix find target class issue if scan the web scope bean such a… (97)
  • [#1261] add warn log when fail to get auto-generated keys. (#1259) (97, 1259)
  • [#1258] move metrics config keys and simplify metrics modules dependency
  • [#1250] fix codecov for protobuf (97)
  • [#1245] refactor metrics let it initialize by configuration
  • [#1242] perfect sql
  • [#1239] bugfix:fix CME in ZK discovery implementation. (97)
  • [#1237] bugfix:server start and handle remain branch session may cause NPE (97)
  • [#1232] Add unit tests for io.seata.common.util CompressUtil, DurationUtil, ReflectionUtil
  • [#1230] prioritize global transaction scanner #1227 (97, 1227)
  • [#1229] fix a typo (97)
  • [#1225] optimize the name of seata config environment. (97, 1209)
  • [#1222] fix bug of refresh cluster (1160)
  • [#1221] bugfix: fix in which SQL and database field names are inconsistent#1217 (1217)
  • [#1218] bugfix:containsPK ignoreCase (1217)
  • [#1210] 1. optimize arrayList single value
  • [#1207] All overriding methods must be preceded by @Override annotations.
  • [#1205] remove useless code
  • [#1202] output branchRollback failed log (97)
  • [#1200] bugfix:DefaultCoreTest.branchRegisterTest (1199)
  • [#1198] check the third-party dependencies license (1197)
  • [#1195] Clear the transaction context in TCC prepare methed
  • [#1193] Get lockmode by the storemode
  • [#1190] remove unused semicolons (97, 540)
  • [#1179] fix jackson default content
  • [#1177] write session may be failed,throw TransactionException but hold lock. (97, 1154)
  • [#1169] bugfix: use Set to avoid duplicate listeners. fixes #1126 (1126)
  • [#1165] add a missing placeholder in INSERT_UNDO_LOG_SQL (1164)
  • [#1162] Reset initialized flag & instance while destroy(). split [##1105 (983, 97)
  • [#1159] bugfix: AT mode resourceId(row_key) too long (97, 1158)
  • [#1150] updates seata's version in (97)
  • [#1148] bugfix:the buffer may cause overflows when sql statement is long
  • [#1146] revise the package name of the module (97)
  • [#1105] refactor TmRpcClient & RmClient for common use. (97)
  • [#1075] Multiple environmental isolation
  • [#768] #751 add event bus mechanism and apply it in tc
  • Seata:
  • Seata-Samples:
  • Release:

0.6.1 (2019-05-31)

Release notes

Seata 0.6.1

Seata 0.6.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.6.0 (2019-05-24)

Release notes

Seata 0.6.0

Seata 0.6.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.5.2 (2019-05-17)

Release notes

Seata 0.5.2

Seata 0.5.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#988] support Consul configuration center
  • [#1043] support sofa-rpc

    Bugfix & Optimize

  • [#987] optimize the use of reentrantLock instead of spinlock in concurrent scenarios within the same transaction
  • [#943] fix configuration wait timeout when there is no corresponding file configuration item
  • [#965] fix PreparedStatement where in,between problem
  • [#929] optimize GlobalSession for the first time to wait for locks
  • [#967] optimize partial log description
  • [#970] fix unable to read flush-disk-mode configuration item problem
  • [#916] optimize the readable index problem of decoding
  • [#979] optimize copyright
  • [#981] optimize pom dependencies, use caffine instead of guava cache, junit upgrade to junit5, use junit5 to transform original testng unit tests
  • [#991] optimize the header of the core module import
  • [#996] fix maven-surefire-plugin compilation error in mac environment
  • [#994] Fix ByteBuffer multiple flip problem
  • [#999] change the community's email subscription address
  • [#861] optimize the FailureHandler to periodically get the retrieved transaction result and print the successful result
  • [#802] optimize the lambda code style in GlobalTransactionalInterceptor
  • [#1026] fix troubleshooting for data* code files, add local transaction file exclusion path
  • [#1024] fix Consul module SPI configuration file path problem
  • [#1023] add the seata-all.jar for client full dependency
  • [#1029] fix the delay rollback caused by no channel when the client is restarting
  • [#1027] fix release-seata can not generate zip file problem
  • [#1033] fix createDependencyReducedPom to generate redundant xml problem
  • [#1035] fix branchCommit/branchRollback in TCC mode, but branchId is null
  • [#1040] refactor exceptionHandleTemplate and fix the problem that cannot be returned when the GlobalRollback branch throw exception
  • [#1036] replace Chinese comment with English comment
  • [#1051] optimize to check data changes when rollback, stop rollback if there is no data change
  • [#1017] optimize the processing logic of mysql undo executor construct undo sql
  • [#1063] fix the problem that the new transaction id conflict fails after the server is restarted after the server is restarted
  • Seata:
  • Seata-Samples:
  • Release:

0.5.1 (2019-04-30)

Release notes

Seata 0.5.1

Seata 0.5.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#774] support Etcd3 registration center
  • [#793] support sofa-registry registration center
  • [#856] add batch delete undolog processing
  • [#786] support for branch transaction concurrency in global transactions

    Bugfix & Optimize

  • [#879] fix when batch delete undolog,the preparedStatement does not close
  • [#945] add the releaseLock method in the LockManager interface to optimize the calling logic
  • [#938] optimize the TransactionManager service loading logic
  • [#913] optimize the module structure of the RPC integration framework
  • [#795] optimize the performance of server node write files
  • [#921] fix NPE exception when select for update
  • [#925] optimize the same DefaultCoordinator instance when the server starts
  • [#930] optimize field access modifiers
  • [#907] fix hostname can't be null exception
  • [#923] fix the problem that the key is not formatted when the nettyClientKeyPool connection is destroyed
  • [#891] fix the NPE exception when using select union all
  • [#888] fix copyright checkstyle verification
  • [#901] fix parent node path does not exist when Zookeeper is registered
  • [#904] optimize updated data query logic in UpdateExecutort
  • [#802] optimize checkstyle and add plugins
  • [#882] modify copyright, add copyright automatic plugin
  • [#874] add the communication default configuration value
  • [#866] fix unable to generate dubbo:reference proxy class
  • [#877] fix concurrentModifyException when batch deleting undolog
  • [#855] optimize the globalCommit always returns committed to the user in AT mode
  • [#875] fix select for update, Boolean cast ResultSet failed
  • [#830] fix RM late registration problem
  • [#872] fix RegisterRMRequest decoding message length check is not accurate
  • [#831] optimize CountDownLatch in MessageFuture and replace it with CompletableFuture
  • [#834] fix non-SQLException in ExecuteTemplate does not throw a exception
  • Seata:
  • Seata-Samples:
  • Release:

0.5.0 (2019-04-19)

Release notes

Seata 0.5.0

Seata 0.5.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#809] Change groupId,artifactId, and package

  • [#815] Add maven plugin to release seata with groupId io.seata

  • [#790] Change the startup parameters of seata-server to support database-storage

  • [#769] Modify the RPC protocol, remove the client's resolution of xid to be stateless


  • [#774] optimizes the structure of config module and discovery module

  • [#783] Allow users config the count for client report retry dynamicly

  • [#791] replace magic judgement of timeout status with status enum

  • [#836] Use maven-compiler-plugin to revision the version and add mvnw script to unify the maven version

  • [#820] Add rollback on for GlobalTransaction


  • [#772] Fix FileConfiguration config listener logic

  • [#807] Optimize the setting of full name of FileBasedSessionManager

  • [#804] bugfix:branchCommit retry always failed

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

0.4.2 (2019-04-12)

Release notes

Seata 0.4.2

Seata 0.4.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#704] add local file write ByteBuffer pool

  • [#679] The existing registry adds the implementation of the close interface, which optimizes the server's elegant offline

  • [#713] add local file writes enable compression for messages that exceed the configured size

  • [#587] Added MySQL DDL statement support

  • [#717] add Nacos Initialization Configuration Script Configuration and Completion Program Configuration File

  • [#726] support for DBCP, C3P0, BoneCP, HikariCP and Tomcat-JDBC connection pools

  • [#744] add ZooKeeper disconnection re-registration and subscription when reconnected

  • [#728] Supports service discovery with Consul


  • [#569] fix already jdk proxy and no target only traverses the first implementation interface problem

  • [#721] fix ConfigFuture constructor timeout parameter does not work

  • [#725] fix MergedSendRunnable channel is unexpectedly closed, and add fail-fast

  • [#723] fix defaultServerMessageListener is not initialized

  • [#746] fix the failure of the test module caused by the DataSourceManager SPI

  • [#754] optimize Eureka registry

  • [#750] fix undolog caused by DataSourceManager SPI cannot delete problem

  • [#747] Delete MT mode, then will be replaced by TCC mode

  • [#757] fix rollback caused by RPC exception when performing BranchRollback retry

  • [#776] fix connection creation failure caused by toString exception when connection pool creates channel

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

0.4.1 (2019-03-29)

Release notes

Seata 0.4.1

Seata 0.4.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.4.0 (2019-03-19)

Release notes

Seata 0.4.0

Seata 0.4.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.3.1 (2019-03-15)

Release notes

Seata 0.3.1

Seata 0.3.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.3.0 (2019-03-08)

Release notes

Seata 0.3.0

Seata 0.3.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.2.3 (2019-03-02)

Release notes

Seata 0.2.3

Seata 0.2.3 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.2.2 (2019-02-22)

Release notes

Seata 0.2.2

Seata 0.2.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.2.1 (2019-02-18)

Release notes

Seata 0.2.1

Seata 0.2.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


0.2.0 (2019-02-14)

Release notes

Seata 0.2.0

Seata 0.2.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • Support MySQL distributed transaction automatic mode (AT)

  • Supports Dubbo seamless integration

  • Support for distributed transaction API

  • Support Spring transaction annotation

  • Support Mybatis、JPA

  • Support Nacos Service Registration and Configuration Center

  • Add Fescar-Server automatic recovery from file unfinished transaction operations to memory when restarting

  • Support multiple IP environment, start server to specify IP parameters


  • Fix Fescar-Server restart may cause XID duplication

  • Fix Windows startup script $EXTRA_JVM_ARGUMENTS parameter error

  • Fix distributed transaction local nested inner transaction commit/rollback causes outer transaction exception problem

  • Fix local transaction commit exception, local transaction does not rollback problem

  • Fix MySQL table alias resolution


  • Upgrade depends on JDK version to 1.8

  • Upgrade dependency Alibaba Dubbo to Apache Dubbo 2.7.0

  • Optimize related dependency references

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release:

0.1.4 (2019-02-11)

Release notes

Seata 0.1.4

Seata 0.1.4 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.1.3 (2019-01-29)

Release notes

Seata 0.1.3

Seata 0.1.3 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.1.2 (2019-01-25)

Release notes

Seata 0.1.2

Seata 0.1.2 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.1.1 (2019-01-18)

Release notes

Seata 0.1.1

Seata 0.1.1 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:

0.1.0 (2019-01-09)

Release notes

Seata 0.1.0

Seata 0.1.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows: