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Version: v1.3




Release Notes:

1.3.0 (2020-07-14)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.3.0

Seata 1.3.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2398] support multi pk for MySQL

  • [#2484] store mode support redis

  • [#2817] Saga StateMachine engine and Designer support Groovy Script Task

  • [#2646] server support for HikariCP

  • [#2253] support for dynamic upgrade and downgrade

  • [#2565] support for transaction annotations on classes

  • [#2510] support LZ4 compressor

  • [#2622] support version valid check

  • [#2658] dataSources support different permissions of Oracle users

  • [#2620] support group configuration in Nacos registry

  • [#2699] compatible with ACM

  • [#2509] support for undo full data columns on update operate

  • [#2584] StateHandlerInterceptor and StateRouterInterceptor support SPI

  • [#2808] server check auth support SPI

  • [#2616] TCC adapter for Dubbo And Sofa reference annotation

  • [#2831] Saga support jackson json parser

  • [#2554] support zk serializer

  • [#2708] support jdbc type array, datalink etc

  • [#2412] xid generation strategy support snowflake

  • [#2611] support the cache of configuration values


  • [#2893] fix get table meta failed in postgresql

  • [#2887] fix rm client receive response logic

  • [#2610] nacos-script adapt to Nacos 1.2 on permission control

  • [#2588] fix when the check_style does not pass, no detail information output

  • [#2543] fix ApplicationKeeper ShutdownHook signal invalid.

  • [#2598] fix unable to register Nacos

  • [#2618] fix could not create folder in zookeeper

  • [#2628] fix get tableName and alias error in mysql delete

  • [#2639] fix Apollo configuration load fail due to camel style

  • [#2629] fix duplicated resource id with different currentSchema in PostgreSQL

  • [#2659] fix mysql insert use select last_insert_id is undo_log id value

  • [#2670] fix dataSource initialize more times

  • [#2617] fix incorrect getAnnotation about class and method

  • [#2603] fix can't get generated keys value.

  • [#2725] fix other expression before insert row primary key.

  • [#2698] fix nested GlobalLock unbind prematurely

  • [#2755] fix not return value when branchCommit and branchRollback throw exception

  • [#2777] fix can't rollback when set rollback retry count was zero.

  • [#2812] fix get PostgreSQL tableMeta error when using shardingSphere

  • [#2760] fix TM rollback fail throw the seata exception, rollback retrying throw NPE

  • [#2837] fix wrong constant used in the saga SubStateMachineHandler

  • [#2839] fix business exception is lost when compensation succeed in saga mode

  • [#2650] fix TCC and Saga branches will also parse SQL in AbstractConnectionProxy

  • [#2850] Fix Saga designer rounded polylines cause page crashes

  • [#2868] fix can't find AsyncEventBus dependency

  • [#2871] fix get tableMeta failed when table name like 'schame'.'table'

  • [#2685] fix oracle insert sql use sysdate error.

  • [#2872] fix missing escape char in the primary key for the undo sql

  • [#2875] fix ColumnUtils delEscape with scheme error


  • [#2573] replace Random with ThreadLocalRandom in RandomLoadBalance

  • [#2540] refactor rpc request method and rpc interface

  • [#2642] optimize unsafe double-checked locking in SofaRegistryServiceImpl

  • [#2561] keep the same logic of get tableMeta

  • [#2591] support the default timeout for zookeeper register

  • [#2601] repackage spring-boot-starter

  • [#2415] distinguish database behavior according to the branch type

  • [#2647] remove the unused variable

  • [#2649] optimize get tableMeta

  • [#2652] consul supports custom port

  • [#2660] modify IdWorker position to make it reasonable

  • [#2625] polish testing code, replace with Mockito.verify

  • [#2666] add using users organization logos

  • [#2680] Change GlobalTransactionalInterceptor to singleton

  • [#2683] optimize TccActionInterceptor log print

  • [#2477] refactoring client request processing logic.

  • [#2280] refactor InsertExecutor

  • [#2044] optimize ColumnUtils.addEscape method performance

  • [#2730] optimize get config type from configuration

  • [#2723] optimize get tableMeta in postgreSql

  • [#2734] change postgreSql driver scope to provide

  • [#2749] optimize logger class misWrite

  • [#2751] copy jdbc driver to image

  • [#2759] optimized the generation rules of thread name factory

  • [#2607] support insert pkValue support check

  • [#2765] optimize the processing logic of XA's RM for unsupported transaction resources.

  • [#2771] disable unstable unit tests

  • [#2779] CollectionUtils.decodeMap method variables ConcurrentHashMap refact to HashMap

  • [#2486] refactor server handle request process logic from client

  • [#2770] TCC two phase method return type supports void

  • [#2788] optimize server log pattern and support for colored log

  • [#2816] optimize create clazz instance

  • [#2787] modify workerId generation method

  • [#2776] optimize paramsPlaceHolder generate by StringUtils.repeat()

  • [#2799] code opt format

  • [#2829] downgrade check unlock and asynchronous

  • [#2842] code opt format about the sqls and typos

  • [#2242] optimize PreparedStatementProxy initialization logic

  • [#2613] fix typo and some coding guidelines

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • funky-eyes

  • wangliang181230

  • jsbxyyx

  • l81893521

  • objcoding

  • long187

  • CharmingRabbit

  • diguage

  • helloworlde

  • chenxi-null

  • ph3636

  • xianlaioy

  • qq925716471

  • horoc

  • XavierChengZW

  • anic

  • fxtahe

  • wangwengeek

  • yangfuhai

  • PeineLiang

  • f654c32

  • dagmom

  • caohdgege

  • zjinlei

  • yyjgit66

  • lj2018110133

  • wxbty

  • hsoftxl

  • q294881866

  • 81519434

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

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