Release Notes:
1.3.0 (2020-07-14)
Release notes
Seata 1.3.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
[#2398] support multi pk for MySQL
[#2484] store mode support redis
[#2817] Saga StateMachine engine and Designer support Groovy Script Task
[#2646] server support for HikariCP
[#2253] support for dynamic upgrade and downgrade
[#2565] support for transaction annotations on classes
[#2510] support LZ4 compressor
[#2622] support version valid check
[#2658] dataSources support different permissions of Oracle users
[#2620] support group configuration in Nacos registry
[#2699] compatible with ACM
[#2509] support for undo full data columns on update operate
[#2584] StateHandlerInterceptor and StateRouterInterceptor support SPI
[#2808] server check auth support SPI
[#2616] TCC adapter for Dubbo And Sofa reference annotation
[#2831] Saga support jackson json parser
[#2554] support zk serializer
[#2708] support jdbc type array, datalink etc
[#2412] xid generation strategy support snowflake
[#2611] support the cache of configuration values
[#2893] fix get table meta failed in postgresql
[#2887] fix rm client receive response logic
[#2610] nacos-script adapt to Nacos 1.2 on permission control
[#2588] fix when the check_style does not pass, no detail information output
[#2543] fix ApplicationKeeper ShutdownHook signal invalid.
[#2598] fix unable to register Nacos
[#2618] fix could not create folder in zookeeper
[#2628] fix get tableName and alias error in mysql delete
[#2639] fix Apollo configuration load fail due to camel style
[#2629] fix duplicated resource id with different currentSchema in PostgreSQL
[#2659] fix mysql insert use select last_insert_id is undo_log id value
[#2670] fix dataSource initialize more times
[#2617] fix incorrect getAnnotation about class and method
[#2603] fix can't get generated keys value.
[#2725] fix other expression before insert row primary key.
[#2698] fix nested GlobalLock unbind prematurely
[#2755] fix not return value when branchCommit and branchRollback throw exception
[#2777] fix can't rollback when set rollback retry count was zero.
[#2812] fix get PostgreSQL tableMeta error when using shardingSphere
[#2760] fix TM rollback fail throw the seata exception, rollback retrying throw NPE
[#2837] fix wrong constant used in the saga SubStateMachineHandler
[#2839] fix business exception is lost when compensation succeed in saga mode
[#2650] fix TCC and Saga branches will also parse SQL in AbstractConnectionProxy
[#2850] Fix Saga designer rounded polylines cause page crashes
[#2868] fix can't find AsyncEventBus dependency
[#2871] fix get tableMeta failed when table name like 'schame'.'table'
[#2685] fix oracle insert sql use sysdate error.
[#2872] fix missing escape char in the primary key for the undo sql
[#2875] fix ColumnUtils delEscape with scheme error
[#2573] replace Random with ThreadLocalRandom in RandomLoadBalance
[#2540] refactor rpc request method and rpc interface
[#2642] optimize unsafe double-checked locking in SofaRegistryServiceImpl
[#2561] keep the same logic of get tableMeta
[#2591] support the default timeout for zookeeper register
[#2601] repackage spring-boot-starter
[#2415] distinguish database behavior according to the branch type
[#2647] remove the unused variable
[#2649] optimize get tableMeta
[#2652] consul supports custom port
[#2660] modify IdWorker position to make it reasonable
[#2625] polish testing code, replace with
[#2666] add using users organization logos
[#2680] Change GlobalTransactionalInterceptor to singleton
[#2683] optimize TccActionInterceptor log print
[#2477] refactoring client request processing logic.
[#2280] refactor InsertExecutor
[#2044] optimize ColumnUtils.addEscape method performance
[#2730] optimize get config type from configuration
[#2723] optimize get tableMeta in postgreSql
[#2734] change postgreSql driver scope to provide
[#2749] optimize logger class misWrite
[#2751] copy jdbc driver to image
[#2759] optimized the generation rules of thread name factory
[#2607] support insert pkValue support check
[#2765] optimize the processing logic of XA's RM for unsupported transaction resources.
[#2771] disable unstable unit tests
[#2779] CollectionUtils.decodeMap method variables ConcurrentHashMap refact to HashMap
[#2486] refactor server handle request process logic from client
[#2770] TCC two phase method return type supports void
[#2788] optimize server log pattern and support for colored log
[#2816] optimize create clazz instance
[#2787] modify workerId generation method
[#2776] optimize paramsPlaceHolder generate by StringUtils.repeat()
[#2799] code opt format
[#2829] downgrade check unlock and asynchronous
[#2842] code opt format about the sqls and typos
[#2242] optimize PreparedStatementProxy initialization logic
[#2613] fix typo and some coding guidelines
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.