Release Notes:
1.4.2 (2021-04-26)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.2
Seata 1.4.2 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#2933] add antlr for mysql sqlparser
- [#3228] support custom serialization plugin
- [#3172] support undo_loge compression mode in AT
- [#3372] Saga support customize whether update last retry log
- [#3411] support seata-server thread pool parameters configuration
- [#3348] support redis sentinel storage mode in TC
- [#2667] support password decryption when using db and redis storage mode
- [#3427] add distributed lock interface
- [#3443] support send the
log tologstash
- [#3486] add transaction service group for metric
- [#3317] support to obtain multiple configurations through a single node when using zookeeper as configuration center
- [#3516] support acl-token when consul is used registry and configuration center
- [#3116] support configuring apollo configService and cluster
- [#3468] saga support loop execution on state
- [#3447] support Transaction context printing in logging framework
- [#3258] fix AsyncWorker potential OOM problem
- [#3293] fix configuration cache get value type mismatch exception
- [#3241] forbidden use order by or limit in multi sql
- [#3406] fix the value can not be push to nacos when special charset in config.txt
- [#3418] fix getGeneratedKeys may get history pk
- [#3408] fix the NPE problem of jar running mode when the third-dependency on separate packaging
- [#3431] fix property bean may not be initialized when reading configuration
- [#3413] fix the logic of rollback to savepoint and release to savepoint
- [#3367] when the xa branch is rollback, it cannot be executed due to idle state
- [#3448] reduce unnecessary competition and remove missing locks
- [#3451] fix set auto-commit to true when local transactions are not being used. Failure to compete for a lock causes the global transaction to exit, invaliding the global row lock and dirty writing of the data.
- [#3481] fix seata node refresh failure because of consul client throws exceptions
- [#3491] fix typo in
- [#3531] fix the NPE of RedisTransactionStoreManager when get branch transactions
- [#3500] fix oracle and postgreSQL can't query column info
- [#3560] fix the problem that the asynchronous task of the transactions in the committing state has no time threshold and cannot recover the transaction
- [#3555] do not call setBlob to invalid the jdbc exception
- [#3540] fix server distribution missing files
- [#3597] fix the possible NPE
- [#3568] fix automatic datasource agent caused by ConcurrentHashMap.computeIfAbsent Deadlock problem
- [#3402] fix the problem that the updated column cannot be resolved because the field name in the updated SQL contains the database name
- [#3464] fix test case NPE and StackTraceLogger's log.
- [#3522] fix register branch and store undolog when AT branch does not need compete lock
- [#3635] fix pushing notification failed when the configuration changed in zookeeper
- [#3133] fix the case that could not retry acquire global lock
- [#3156] optimize the logic of SpringProxyUtils.findTargetClass
- [#3341] optimize the format of the path to the specified configuration file
- [#3385] optimize github action and fix unit test failure
- [#3175] improve UUIDGenerator using "history time" version of snowflake algorithm
- [#3291] mysql jdbc connect param
- [#3336] support using System.getProperty to get netty config property
- [#3369] add github action secrets env for dockerHub
- [#3343] Migrate CI provider from Travis CI to Github Actions
- [#3397] add the change records folder
- [#3303] supports reading all configurations from a single Nacos dataId
- [#3380] globalTransactionScanner listener optimize
- [#3123] optimize the packing strategy of seata-server
- [#3415] optimize maven clean plugin to clear the distribution directory
- [#3316] optimize the property bean may not be initialized while reading config value
- [#3420] optimize enumerated classes and add unit tests
- [#3533] added interface to get current transaction role
- [#3436] optimize typo in SQLType class
- [#3439] adjust the order of springApplicationContextProvider so that it can be called before the XML bean
- [#3248] optimize the config of load-balance migration to belong the client node
- [#3441] optimize the auto-configuration processing of starter
- [#3466] String comparison uses equalsIgnoreCase()
- [#3476] support when the server parameter passed is hostname, it will be automatically converted to IP
- [#3236] optimize the conditions for executing unlocking
- [#3485] optimize useless codes in ConfigurationFactory
- [#3505] optimize useless if judgments in the GlobalTransactionScanner class
- [#3544] optimize the get pks by auto when auto generated keys is false
- [#3549] unified the length of xid in different tables when using DB storage mode
- [#3551] make RETRY_DEAD_THRESHOLD bigger and configurable
- [#3589] Changed exception check by JUnit API usage
- [#3601] make
compatible withspring-boot:2.x
and above - [#3513] Saga SpringBeanService invoker support switch json parser
- [#3318] make CLIENT_TABLE_META_CHECKER_INTERVAL configurable
- [#3371] add applicationId for metric
- [#3459] remove duplicate validAddress code
- [#3215] opt the reload during startup in file mode
- [#3631] optimize parameter
- [#3638] optimize the error when use update or delete with join in sql
- [#3523] optimize release savepoint when use oracle
- [#3458] reversion the deleted md
- [#3574] repair Spelling errors in comments in files
- [#3573] fix designer directory path in
- [#3662] update gpg key
- [#3664] optimize some javadocs
- [#3637] register the participating companies and pull request information
- [#3381] test case for tmClient
- [#3607] fixed bugs in EventBus unit tests
- [#3579] add test case for StringFormatUtils
- [#3365] optimize ParameterParserTest test case failed
- [#3359] remove unused test case
- [#3578] fix UnfinishedStubbing Exception in unit test case
- [#3383] optimize StatementProxyTest unit test
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- caohdgege
- funky-eyes
- wangliang181230
- xingfudeshi
- jsbxyyx
- selfishlover
- l8189352
- Rubbernecker
- lj2018110133
- github-ganyu
- dmego
- spilledyear
- hoverruan
- anselleeyy
- Ifdevil
- lvxianzheng
- MentosL
- lian88jian
- litianyu1992
- xyz327
- 13414850431
- xuande
- tanggen
- eas5
- nature80
- ls9527
- drgnchan
- imyangyong
- sunlggggg
- long187
- h-zhi
- StellaiYang
- slinpq
- sustly
- cznc
- squallliu
- 81519434
- luoxn28
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
1.4.1 (2021-02-08)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.1
Seata 1.4.1 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#3238] add deflater support for seata compressor
- [#2879] fix deadlock during springboot project startup
- [#3296] when mixed use of AT and TCC, AT branchs is not deleted
- [#3254] clear the listener map of zk registry
- [#3309] Saga statemachine definition json cannot enable jackson parser, and when no choice matched in choice state will throw NPE
- [#3287] throw exception when update pk
- [#3323] clean root context when state machine inst record failed
- [#3281] fix wrong status when exception
- [#2949] fix throw NPE when get the state list
- [#3351] fix throw IllegalArgumentException when use hystrix when using SCA 2.2.3.RELEASE and below
- [#3349] the problem test case
- [#3325] fix retry commit unsuccess when record subMachineInst failed
- [#3357] fix deploy staging rule check failed
- [#3188] Local variable 'map' is redundant and check queue offer return value
- [#3247] change client.log.exceptionRate to log.exceptionRate
- [#3260] use PriorityQueue to simply ShutdownHook
- [#3319] delete unnecessary @Sharable
- [#3313] replace StringBuffer to StringBuilder
- [#3335] modify TransactionPropagationInterceptor name
- [#3310] enable NamedThreadFactory to get ThreadGroup from the SecurityManager or Current thread
- [#3320] load balance strategy use constants
- [#3345] adjust GlobalLockTemplateTest
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- dongzl
- wangliang181230
- ls9527
- long187
- 81519434
- anselleeyy
- funky-eyes
- selfishlover
- suichen
- h-zhi
- jxlgzwh
- LiWenGu
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.
- Seata:
- Seata-Samples:
- Release:
- WebSite:
1.4.0 (2020-10-30)
Release notes
Seata 1.4.0
Seata 1.4.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
[#2380] support yml configuration
[#3191] support jdbc type nclob
[#2676] support least active load balance
[#3198] spring boot support for custom config and registry type
[#2806] support configuring default global transaction timeoutMillis
[#2941] add apollo secret key configuration
[#2080] support ConsistentHashLoadBalance
[#2950] support the reentrant lock in redis module
[#2913] The data source proxy mode can be selected as AT or XA
[#2856] support for undoLog using Fst serialization
[#3076] check lock in TC when use @GlobalLock
[#2825] support send authentication msg
[#2962] @GlobalTransactional and @GlobalLock can support customize lock retry config
[#3214] fix the 'RootContext.DEFAULT_BRANCH_TYPE' is wrong in some cases
[#3129] forbidding execute SQL which update pk value
[#3205] fix can not get boolean value in configuration
[#3170] the disposables tree set won't accept another Disposable with the same priority
[#3180] serializer fst package name error
[#3178] remove next line to space
[#2929] fix the application was configured to degrade at startup and can't be dynamically switch to upgraded
[#3050] fix fetch before images when delete and update statements
[#2935] fix saga designer bug that the property box does not switch when switching nodes
[#3140] fix Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW and add some comments
[#3130] fix some problems in the automatic data source proxy
[#3148] the redis lock key and the session key has conflict
[#3136] fix the redis pipeline
[#2551] Saga can't be used when the dataSource is AT's dataSourceProxy
[#3073] do not proxy connections without an xid
[#3074] There is no need to retry if the XA schema cannot find the XID
[#3097] fix HttpAutoConfiguration always instantiation in springboot env
[#3071] part of the connection is not unpacked
[#3056] fixed a bug that after branch deletion, there are still remaining branch lock
[#3025] fix the wrong package path
[#3031] redis locker delete lock incomplete
[#2973] fix oracle database in field size over 1000
[#2986] fix checkstyle plugin can't exclude single file
[#2910] fix error registry type comment
[#2914] fix branchType not cleaned when consumer is in TCC mode
[#2926] fastjson write undo log not parser
[#2897] fix jedis unlock fail
[#2918] fix the isolation problem when rollback in AT mode
[#2972] UUIDGenerator generates duplicated id
[#2932] script could not run with namespace
[#2900] ColumnUtils add escape with scheme
[#2904] fix getConfig cache value is 'null'
[#2890] fix misspelling in statelang examples
[#3040] fix repeated commit when autocommit is false
[#3230] fix use @EnableAutoDataSourceProxy startup failed
[#2979] columns of resultset integrated with sharingjdbc need to be lowercase
[#3233] fix Collections NPE
[#3242] fix batch sql getTableMeta error
[#3246] fix the exception when limit condition contains VariantRefExpr
[#3062] refactor the redis session store
[#3201] optimize the wrong stack not fully display
[#3117] make log more clearly and remove the useless code
[#3134] optimize codes related to Map and List
[#3195] optimize XID related codes
[#3200] optimize rpc message when message was substring
[#3186] remove duplicated in string utils
[#3162] remove repeated conditional tests
[#2969] upgrade to druid 1.1.23
[#3141] upgrade nacos and FastJSON dependencies
[#3118] add more configuration tips in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
[#2597] judging xid status to avoid repeated processing
[#3102] optimize ContextCore, can be set 'Object' value
[#3016] refactor the redis lock string to hash
[#3046] remove unused code in serializer factory
[#3053] jedis pool adds maxtotal configuration
[#3012] remove set port repeatedly
[#2978] optimize globalCommit for mixed use of AT and TCC
[#2967] replace with lambda
[#2968] ensure that the register message is sent after RM client initialization
[#2945] optimize async commit and reduce one update
[#2952] optimize additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
[#2920] optimize some grammatical errors
[#2906] added some configuration items to keep consistent with official documents
[#3222] optimize fileListener to decrease cpu time usage
[#2843] removed Reloadable from the redis/db SessionManager
[#3209] add using company logos
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.