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Version: v1.2




Release Notes:

1.2.0 (2020-04-20)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.2.0

Seata 1.2.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#2381] support XA transaction mode

  • [#2206] support REQUIRED、REQUIRES_NEW、SUPPORTS and NOT_SUPPORTED transaction propagation

  • [#2112] support batch update and delete with multiple sql

  • [#2275] support hsf on TCC transaction mode

  • [#2108] support zip bzip2 7z compressor

  • [#2328] support for isolated loading of mysql 5.x and 8.x jdbc drivers classes

  • [#2367] add permission configuration support for Nacos 1.2

  • [#2359] support propagation.never, propagation.mandatory and transaction suspend and resume api

  • [#2418] support fst serialization

  • [#2135] support SPI scope

  • [#2370] support failureHandler implement can be read from the container

  • [#2481] support the max wait configuration for db

  • [#2379] support custom service name when registering with Nacos

  • [#2308] add switch to control whether to register branch on Saga transaction mode

  • [#2301] support default expr and nextval for postgresql


  • [#2575] fix executeBatch can not get targetSql in Statement mode

  • [#2283] fix oracle get tableMeta fail

  • [#2312] fix the judgement of configuration condition

  • [#2309] fix timestamp deserialize lost nano

  • [#2292] fix some configuration not converted to camel style

  • [#2306] fix deprecated maven prerequisites

  • [#2287] fix connection context can't be remove when global lock retry

  • [#2361] fix the error configuration name

  • [#2333] fix wrong exception information when rollback fails due to dirty data

  • [#2390] fix configuration item containing spaces

  • [#2408] fix missing sequence in undo_log table

  • [#2391] fix configuration exceptions lead to increased CPU usage

  • [#2427] fix StringUtils.toString(o) StackOverflowError

  • [#2384] fix StateMachineRepository#getStateMachineById will replace the last version in cache

  • [#2323] fix wrong proxy of datasource bean

  • [#2466] fix memory visibility of active attribute in file mode

  • [#2349] fix insert sql primary key value support check

  • [#2479] fix postgresql schema when not use lowerCase

  • [#2449] fix can't get table structure when startup

  • [#2505] fix bug of session store path value judgment

  • [#2456] fix server encode request error

  • [#2495] fix the NPE and reduce the request when lockkey is null

  • [#2490] fix RpcContext.addResource when resource is null

  • [#2419] fix http testcase run failed

  • [#2535] fix wrong configuration name in config.txt

  • [#2524] registration service configuration missing and inconsistent

  • [#2473] fix flush condition of disk in file mode

  • [#2455] fix child module can't execute copyright and checkstyle inspection


  • [#2409] reduce the db and network request when undoLog or lockKey is empty

  • [#2329] separate the different storage pattern processing logic

  • [#2354] optimize the unsupported listener logic for spring cloud config

  • [#2320] optimize protostuff and kryo serialize timestamp

  • [#2307] optimize transaction context switch logic when switch transaction mode

  • [#2364] optimize generated instances that were not actually used when the class was loaded

  • [#2368] add zk missing configuration

  • [#2351] add get local global status

  • [#2529] optimize druid parameter

  • [#2288] codecov.yml ignore mock test

  • [#2297] remove duplicated dependency

  • [#2336] add using organization logos

  • [#2348] remove redundant configuration

  • [#2362] optimize stackTraceLogger param

  • [#2382] optimize RegistryFactory singleton pattern and RegistryType judgement

  • [#2400] optimize the magic num of date at UUIDGenerator

  • [#2397] fix typo

  • [#2407] inaccurate judgment may be lead to NPE

  • [#2402] optimize the rm and tm register log

  • [#2422] add link of script in document

  • [#2440] optimize contact us and startup log

  • [#2445] optimize the class registration method for kryo and fst

  • [#2372] refactor lock store sql with SPI

  • [#2453] optimize unnecessary server configuration item

  • [#2369] refactor log store sql with SPI

  • [#2526] optimize spring-boot startup log

  • [#2530] remove use connPool

  • [#2489] optimize exceptionHandler's method signature

  • [#2494] reduce the redundant code

  • [#2523] optimize abnormal global transaction's output logs by frequency

  • [#2549] optimize the exception log for ZookeeperConfiguration

  • [#2558] optimize config and server module log

  • [#2464] enhance Saga transaction editor

  • [#2553] add some notes about using scripts

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • funky-eyes

  • ph3636

  • lightClouds917

  • l81893521

  • jsbxyyx

  • objcoding

  • CharmingRabbit

  • xingfudeshi

  • lovepoem

  • SevenSecondsOfMemory

  • zjinlei

  • ggndnn

  • tauntongo

  • threefish

  • helloworlde

  • long187

  • jaspercloud

  • dk-lockdown

  • wxbty

  • sharajava

  • ppj19891020

  • YuKongEr

  • Zh1Cheung

  • wangwei-ying

  • mxszs

  • q294881866

  • HankDevelop

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

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