Release Notes:
1.2.0 (2020-04-20)
Release notes
Seata 1.2.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
[#2381] support XA transaction mode
[#2206] support REQUIRED、REQUIRES_NEW、SUPPORTS and NOT_SUPPORTED transaction propagation
[#2112] support batch update and delete with multiple sql
[#2275] support hsf on TCC transaction mode
[#2108] support zip bzip2 7z compressor
[#2328] support for isolated loading of mysql 5.x and 8.x jdbc drivers classes
[#2367] add permission configuration support for Nacos 1.2
[#2359] support propagation.never, propagation.mandatory and transaction suspend and resume api
[#2418] support fst serialization
[#2135] support SPI scope
[#2370] support failureHandler implement can be read from the container
[#2481] support the max wait configuration for db
[#2379] support custom service name when registering with Nacos
[#2308] add switch to control whether to register branch on Saga transaction mode
[#2301] support default expr and nextval for postgresql
[#2575] fix executeBatch can not get targetSql in Statement mode
[#2283] fix oracle get tableMeta fail
[#2312] fix the judgement of configuration condition
[#2309] fix timestamp deserialize lost nano
[#2292] fix some configuration not converted to camel style
[#2306] fix deprecated maven prerequisites
[#2287] fix connection context can't be remove when global lock retry
[#2361] fix the error configuration name
[#2333] fix wrong exception information when rollback fails due to dirty data
[#2390] fix configuration item containing spaces
[#2408] fix missing sequence in undo_log table
[#2391] fix configuration exceptions lead to increased CPU usage
[#2427] fix StringUtils.toString(o) StackOverflowError
[#2384] fix StateMachineRepository#getStateMachineById will replace the last version in cache
[#2323] fix wrong proxy of datasource bean
[#2466] fix memory visibility of active attribute in file mode
[#2349] fix insert sql primary key value support check
[#2479] fix postgresql schema when not use lowerCase
[#2449] fix can't get table structure when startup
[#2505] fix bug of session store path value judgment
[#2456] fix server encode request error
[#2495] fix the NPE and reduce the request when lockkey is null
[#2490] fix RpcContext.addResource when resource is null
[#2419] fix http testcase run failed
[#2535] fix wrong configuration name in config.txt
[#2524] registration service configuration missing and inconsistent
[#2473] fix flush condition of disk in file mode
[#2455] fix child module can't execute copyright and checkstyle inspection
[#2409] reduce the db and network request when undoLog or lockKey is empty
[#2329] separate the different storage pattern processing logic
[#2354] optimize the unsupported listener logic for spring cloud config
[#2320] optimize protostuff and kryo serialize timestamp
[#2307] optimize transaction context switch logic when switch transaction mode
[#2364] optimize generated instances that were not actually used when the class was loaded
[#2368] add zk missing configuration
[#2351] add get local global status
[#2529] optimize druid parameter
[#2288] codecov.yml ignore mock test
[#2297] remove duplicated dependency
[#2336] add using organization logos
[#2348] remove redundant configuration
[#2362] optimize stackTraceLogger param
[#2382] optimize RegistryFactory singleton pattern and RegistryType judgement
[#2400] optimize the magic num of date at UUIDGenerator
[#2397] fix typo
[#2407] inaccurate judgment may be lead to NPE
[#2402] optimize the rm and tm register log
[#2422] add link of script in document
[#2440] optimize contact us and startup log
[#2445] optimize the class registration method for kryo and fst
[#2372] refactor lock store sql with SPI
[#2453] optimize unnecessary server configuration item
[#2369] refactor log store sql with SPI
[#2526] optimize spring-boot startup log
[#2530] remove use connPool
[#2489] optimize exceptionHandler's method signature
[#2494] reduce the redundant code
[#2523] optimize abnormal global transaction's output logs by frequency
[#2549] optimize the exception log for ZookeeperConfiguration
[#2558] optimize config and server module log
[#2464] enhance Saga transaction editor
[#2553] add some notes about using scripts
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.