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Version: v1.0




Release Notes:

1.0.0 (2019-12-21)

source | binary

Release notes
### Seata 1.0.0

Seata 1.0.0 Released.

Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.

The version is updated as follows:


  • [#1966] add single send request for client

  • [#2004] add config center synchronization script

  • [#1997] provides a tool for generating graphics that show the state machine execution path

  • [#1992] support dynamic disable

  • [#1898] support dynamic config

  • [#1983] add hessian codec for rpc serialization

  • [#1960] Provide a visual graph designer for Seata Saga StateMachine based on GGEditor

  • [#1900] Saga state language support "Retry" service when error occurred

  • [#1885] add configuration for build docker image in server module

  • [#1914] support where condition exists for Oracle

  • [#1878] support exists in where condition

  • [#1871] adapt springcloud-alibaba-seata autoconfig

  • [#1844] StateMachine ServiceTask supports asynchronous execution

  • [#1742] add seata-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1460] support gzip compressor

  • [#1492] support gRpc


  • [#2066] fix thread unsafe which missing double check when initial eureka client

  • [#2059] fix repeated rollback caused by asynchronous rollback thread

  • [#2050] fix if add configListener but dataId not exist, it will throw NPE

  • [#2053] fix when tableName is keyword, the insert operation will get afterImage fail

  • [#2054] fix RetryRollbackingSessionManager lost Rollbacking

  • [#2043] fix startup failure when dynamic proxy is turned on and use druid-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1668] fix sql statement escape symbol

  • [#2029] fix seata-spring-boot-starter does not work

  • [#2037] fix mysql connection unable to release

  • [#2032] fix Etcd3Configuration FILE_CONFIG reference incorrect

  • [#1929] fix duplicated table meta cache key

  • [#1996] fix auto proxying of datasource which has final modifier

  • [#2001] replace deprecated jvm args

  • [#1984] fix presuppose environment variable and replace base image for tool

  • [#1978] fix FileTransactionStoreManagerTest failed on wins OS

  • [#1953] fix get table meta failed with catalog

  • [#1973] fix error of get server port in container

  • [#1905] solve the lock_key length problem

  • [#1927] fix class with private access constructors should not be loaded by SPI.

  • [#1961] fix travis-ci exceeded the maximum log length

  • [#1893] fix saga dose not delete branches when transaction ended

  • [#1932] fix issue of doesn't match environment when build docker image

  • [#1912] fix string.format() method formatting error

  • [#1917] fix NullPointerException in DB mock during CI

  • [#1909] fix xidInterceptorType is null

  • [#1902] fix NPE in UndoExecutorFactory

  • [#1789] fix xid header lowercase

  • [#1889] fix register branch thread hang on tcc mode

  • [#1813] fix TCC does not support cross-service

  • [#1825] fix global status inconsistent when rollback and branch register are concurrent

  • [#1850] fix server restart not recover max sessionId on db mode

  • [#1879] fix jdbc parameter set null

  • [#1874] fix when write the new file throw ClosedChannelException

  • [#1863] fix the other of column type cause rollback fail

  • [#1837] fix saga ExpressionEvaluator not support null value

  • [#1810] fix statemachine def can't store to db and provide query the state logs

  • [#1834] fix StateInstance log can't record output parameters

  • [#1856] fix protostuff undo log get default content

  • [#1845] fix when branchCommit failed,it will trigger retry of multi-tc and throw npe

  • [#1858] fix Global transaction does not work

  • [#1846] fix multi-thread concurrent add listener problem

  • [#1839] fix filter repeated lock

  • [#1768] fix problem when set useInformationSchema true and table name was keyword

  • [#1796] fix unexcepted exception can roll back

  • [#1805] fix connectionproxy prepareStatement not in global transaction

  • [#1780] fix can't use select for update in oracle

  • [#1802] changing HashMap to LinkedHashMap for deterministic iterations

  • [#1793] fix auto proxy for multiple-datasource does not work

  • [#1788] fix mysql can not get primary key value

  • [#1764] fix jdk 11 remoteAddress is null

  • [#1778] fix clean up resources in time to avoid mutual influence between unit tests

  • [#1777] fix DeleteExecutor buildBeforeImageSQL keyword checker by db type


  • [#2068] optimize get database connection

  • [#2056] remove non-javadoc element

  • [#1775] optimize datasource manager branch rollback exception log

  • [#2000] classify script to correspond directory

  • [#2007] enhance test coverage of seata common

  • [#1969] add ops script for Docker-Compose, Kubernetes and Helm

  • [#1967] Add Dockerfile

  • [#2018] optimize about ConfigFuture

  • [#2020] optimize saga log output

  • [#1975] Flatten Saga nested transactions

  • [#1980] show the applicationId when register TM

  • [#1994] rename zk configuration root path.

  • [#1990] add netty config constant keys.

  • [#1979] optimize get select for update recognizer

  • [#1957] load keywordChecker through SPI

  • [#1956] modify no available server error more clearly, and fixed NP

  • [#1958] transform desinger json to statemachine standard json

  • [#1951] add using organization logo

  • [#1950] leak of error trace while handleAsyncCommitting

  • [#1931] support namespace

  • [#1938] optimize the speed when batch insert or batch update

  • [#1930] reduce HashMap initial size

  • [#1919] force check code style

  • [#1918] optimize assert throw exception

  • [#1911] javadoc should be used for classes, class variables and methods.

  • [#1920] use iterator to remove timeout future.

  • [#1907] encapsulation determines the supported database type

  • [#1903] batch query branchSession by xid list

  • [#1910] all Override methods must be annotated with @override

  • [#1906] add exception system exit code when rpcServer init.

  • [#1897] remove clientTest it's not use

  • [#1883] restructure SQLRecognizer and UndoExecutor

  • [#1890] reformat saga module

  • [#1798] improving method format performance

  • [#1884] optimize auto closeable

  • [#1869] add phase one successful reporting switch

  • [#1842] add some init script

  • [#1838] simplify and groom configuration items

  • [#1866] server lack of error trace

  • [#1867] optimization of seata-spring-boot-starter

  • [#1817] add unit test for seata-tm module

  • [#1823] reduce server rpc with db

  • [#1835] SagaTransactionalTemplate provide reloadTransaction method

  • [#1861] optimize no primary key output log

  • [#1836] change "IsPersist" property value type from String to Boolean

  • [#1824] remove deprecated JVM arguments in Java 11

  • [#1820] adjust check style

  • [#1806] format error log

  • [#1815] update codecov.yml

  • [#1811] adjust codecov configuration

  • [#1799] reduce unnecessary synchronized

  • [#1674] increase rm code coverage by db mock

  • [#1710] add prefix counter for NamedThreadFactory

  • [#1790] format seata server register eureka instance id

  • [#1760] put message to logQueue

  • [#1787] make rpc remoting log easier to read

  • [#1786] simplify code

  • [#1766] remove unused method

  • [#1770] string splice and release lock

    Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.

  • slievrly

  • long187

  • jsbxyyx

  • l81893521

  • helloworlde

  • xingfudeshi

  • zjinlei

  • CharmingRabbit

  • objcoding

  • cmonkey

  • lzf971107

  • ggndnn

  • lightClouds917

  • ruqinhu

  • yuhuangbin

  • anrror

  • funky-eyes

  • caohdgege

  • contextshuffling

  • echooymxq

  • github-ygy

  • iapplejohn

  • jKill

  • Justice-love

  • lovepoem

  • niaoshuai

  • ph3636

  • wangwei-ying

  • whjjay

  • yangfuhai

  • zhongfuhua

  • lizwmaster

    Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.

  • Seata:

  • Seata-Samples:

  • Release: